10 Ways to Grow Your B2B Email Marketing Lists [FAST]

Mandy McEwen
Manager Mint Media
Published in
6 min readOct 12, 2017

Email marketing is not dead. As long as you’re producing high-quality, targeted messages, your clients — and prospective clients — will be happy to open your emails and click your links. But in order to get your message in front of them, you need a strategy to grow your B2B email marketing lists consistently.

You probably already have a “Sign-Up for Our Newsletter!” form on your website — but that only gets you so far.

There are countless other ways you can grow your email database. And with more targeted sales leads receiving your email marketing campaigns, you’ll be able to achieve more conversions and scale your business.

Below are 10 unique ways to grow your B2B email marketing lists — and fast. Setting these up takes very little time and has a long-lasting impact.

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10 Ways to Grow Your B2B Email Marketing Lists

1. Ask a Question in ManyChat

ManyChat, a popular Facebook messenger bot, allows you to ask subscribers for email addresses through a “Custom Field.” Set up message sequences and broadcasts to promote your blogs and other resources — always approaching the conversation from a value-driven standpoint.

Then, once you’re engaged with your potential lead, ask if they’d like to be added to your newsletter email list. If they say yes, ask them to enter their email and tag it in ManyChat. You can then use Zapier to automatically add it into your email database, such as ActiveCampaign.

2. Add a Mandatory Question to Your Facebook Group

A Facebook Group is a great way to grow a custom audience of your ideal clients and build your brand by offering them frequent, free value. By keeping the group closed, you also have the opportunity to ask potential members up to 3 questions before they can join.

Though not everyone will answer, I’ve found that the vast majority are willing — so long as you keep the questions short!

In our Facebook community, Mod Agency Insiders, we ask potential members what they do in marketing and for their email address. That way we are able to keep the group focused, denying requests from anyone who is not relevant to digital marketing. It helps you keep out spam and grow your B2B email marketing list!

Are you part of our Facebook group yet? Click here to join 1,900+ fellow digital agency owners and consultants in Mod Agency Insiders!

3. Use Opt-In Forms on WordPress

Do you have a blog on your site? Ask readers to join your newsletter at the end of blog posts to be notified when you publish future blog posts.

Add an opt-in box to the end of your entries using a plugin for WordPress — such as Global Content Blocks or Leadboxes — to create a form right in your blog so readers don’t even have to open a second page.

4. Repurpose Content Into Downloadable Lead Magnets

Give your audience a reason to join your email marketing list by requiring them to fill out a form to receive your lead magnets.

Creating lead magnets doesn’t have to take hours of extra work on your end, either. Try taking a few blogs you’ve written on a similar subject and combining them into an ebook, or hosting a live webinar and then offering the slides as a PDF.

You can promote these lead magnets on social media and across your site and start collecting email leads!

5. Feature Social Share Buttons In Your Email

Make it easy for people to share your email with their friends. Add social share buttons wherever appropriate throughout your newsletters, and add an “email to a friend” button at the end. Don’t forget to include a “Subscribe” link in the footer as well for non-subscribers who get the email from their friends.

6. Include a Link In Your Email Signature

If you’re like me, you probably send out hundreds of emails a day. Why not take advantage of them?

If you’re not already, customize your email signature with an invitation to join your newsletter or download your lead magnet. I use WiseStamp in mine, which allows you to include social media links, images, CTAs, and more. It’s a paid account, but totally worth it in my opinion — I’m not taking any chances with my signature!

Not ready to make the investment just yet? HubSpot also offers a free email signature tool, which allows you to include a CTA at the bottom.

7. Offer An Email-Based Mini-Course or Challenge

Mini-courses and challenges are extremely popular right now — just look inside any marketing Facebook group and you’ll likely see one! Take advantage of this trend and offer to send content directly to readers’ inboxes every day for a set period of time, providing them with quick lessons and “homework” in each email.

For example, you could do a 5 Day Instagram Mini-Course, a 30 Days to Grow Your Facebook Page Challenge — the possibilities are endless!

8. Add a CTA Button to Your Facebook Page

Add a CTA to the top of your Facebook page by going into Business Manager and editing your cover photo. You can choose to send viewers to an opt-in form for your newsletter email list, a lead magnet, a video, and more. Since this is one of the first things people will see when they visit your page, you want to make sure this CTA represents your entire brand, such as a welcome video.

9. Team Up With a Similar Company For Co-Branded Promos

You don’t have to do it alone. I’m a big believer in working together with our competition, not trying to out-do one another. There’s definitely enough business for everyone if you find your niche!

Team up with a similar company and offer a co-branded lead magnet, webinar, or mini-course. Both companies can share the promo with their followers, effectively doubling your audience size. And once you have the attention of this new audience, you can invite them to join your B2B email marketing lists.

10. Use LinkedIn

LinkedIn is THE #1 lead generation source for B2B audiences, and the best place to go if you want to find potential sales leads for your business.

Promote your lead magnets and blogs in your posts and private messages, driving traffic to the places where you already have opt-in forms to collect email leads. Continue to connect with your dream clients and you’ll soon find them opening the links you’re sharing and joining your email database.

Gain Even More Sales Leads with My Free LinkedIn Profile Optimization Checklist

Want to gain even more leads for your business? Optimize your LinkedIn profile so that your dream clients find YOU.

Download my free LinkedIn Profile Optimization Checklist below. In it, I outline my step-by-step process of the simple tweaks you need to make to help you get noticed on LinkedIn — all in under an hour.

Grab your LinkedIn Profile Optimization Checklist now!

Originally posted on modgirl.consulting.



Mandy McEwen
Manager Mint Media

Head Mod Girl @ModGirlMktg. I help modern companies 2X, 3X, and 10X their revenues via #InboundMarketing. http://www.modgirlmarketing.com