The Coaching CRASH Is Coming

Ryan Lee
Manager Mint Media
Published in
2 min readJun 14, 2016

You can’t escape it.

A Facebook Ad that’s either “How I Built a $100K/month online business in 30 days” OR “How to Attract High-End Premium Clients”.

Their funnel is all the same.

Opt-in to a strategy call. Strategy call to selling a $5K to $20K “coaching” program.

I use the word “coaching” in quotes.. because in most cases, it’s not coaching at all.

Let’s call it what it is. A “pyramid”.

Because all your taught is how to do exactly what they just did. How to setup your own ads, your own strategy call and teach other people how to sell “premium” coaching.

It’s all air.

But thankfully, the crash is coming. And it’s coming sooner than you might think.

The warning signs are all there.

Leads are getting harder (and more expensive) to find.

Conversions on the calls are plummeting.

The market is flooded with so many “me too” offers, everyone just blends into one big, fat pyramid.

Bad word-of-mouth is spreading and you can just feel the tide turning.

And while I firmly believe in abundance — there really is a limit on the number of people who can (and will) shell out thousands of dollars on coaching.

How do I know this? Because the amount of email I’m receiving from these “coaches” who are now struggling has been steadily increasing. They are starting to feel the crunch and I can smell the desperation.

I’ve been selling online since 1999 and have seen all the fads come and go. And believe me, they come and go (when was the last time you saw people hawking “how to make money on ebay”?). This is another fad that’s coming to an end.

Right now, the big-ticket guru’s are trying to convince you the ONLY way to create wealth online is with this one funnel. And that’s it. For a while it worked because people wanted so badly to believe it.

“$100K/month within 30 days? Sign me up coach!!”

But remember, these coaches have a BIG incentive to promote this message, because they want you to buy their “solution”. After all, you “need” their coaching to teach other coaches to sell coaching to yet more coaches. Get it?

Do you want to know what the smart entrepreneurs do?

They don’t “follow” the market, they anticipate it.

The “big ticket” coaching pyramid is about to crumble. And if you are putting all your eggs in that basket, get ready for some scrambled eggs.

I’ll follow-up with specific strategies on what to do next shortly.

What do you think? I’d love to hear your thoughts… have you been “taken” by the coaching lie? Do you see the crash coming too?


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Ryan Lee
Manager Mint Media

I help coaches, experts and marketers create sweet, sweet continuity income.