How to be Successful after Graduating Manager RemoteCamp

Manager RemoteCamp
Manager RemoteCamp
3 min readFeb 23, 2019


The Answer to this Question is 4 words:

1. Do

2. Manager

3. RemoteCamp

4. Again

If You Need More Detail

To be successful after graduating Manager RemoteCamp, you simply need to aggressively apply what you learned. That’s it. The easiest way to be successful after graduating is to make a blank copy of your Manager Bootcamp deliverable deck and ‘do’ the program again in this order:

Step 1: Enforce Quality Bar

Step 2: Rank and Review

Step 3: Daily Check-In Chats

Step 4: Gemba Walks

Step 5: Create Calendars

Step 6: Shrink to Grow

You may be tempted to start working on the ‘bigger problems’ with your team but there is no faster way to deliver business value than doing the program over again. Of course, there will be other problems you need to solve but attacking the problems with the WSPro frameworks is the fastest and surest way to be successful. If you’re not convinced, consider this: everyone will be evaluating graduates on how well they execute the frameworks.

If after graduating, you drift back to your previous management modus operandi and discard the WSPro frameworks, (you should not have graduated in the first place and there’s something broken with the program) you’re on your own. Can managers be successful in the central factory without the WSPro frameworks? Sure — it’s possible but if you aspire to take on more responsibility and be promoted, it’s not possible.

After graduation, managers are tempted to complicate the frameworks and skills. You should avoid this temptation and stick with the simplicity. The power of these frameworks is in the simplicity, aggressively applied. Others will try to convince you that complexity is the key to being a sophisticated and successful manager. Simplicity — simply applying the WSPro frameworks — is the key to being a sophisticated and successful manager in your new position.

How not to be successful after graduating

Studying how not to do something can help you lean how to do something so let’s look at a real example. This is a real story with the specific names removed:

Person A graduates manager bootcamp

Person A receives several interview requests but is assigned a high priority task

Person A begins managing team x, reporting to Person B (VP) who reports to Person C (SVP)

Person A does not ‘Do Manager Bootcamp Again’ starting day 1

Person C (SVP) send this email to the Manager Bootcamp leadership team

Person C (SVP) elaborates:

Whenever a manager is able to graduate from Manager Bootcamp, VPs and SVPs are eager to hire them on their toughest problems. VPs and SVPs also expect graduates to be experts at aggressively implementing the WSPro frameworks and implement them from day 1.

