Health is a Lifestyle, not a Fad.

Robin Helene Hebert
Managing aging for every body
2 min readApr 24, 2022

I decided when I turned 60 that I would not only lose weight but I would have a lifestyle of health. I can safely say that I have maintained my weight, give or take a few pounds through the years. Now that I’m 66, I deal with other challenges, such as strained muscles, but I have it engrained in my soul how to handle hunger, meals, etc. Don’t you desire to do that as well? You can you know. You don’t have to be a Yo-Yo. Don’t do that. That can be one of the most unhealthy ways to lose weight. I see people I know deal with that and it’s not only unhealthy, but it’s expensive! Think of all the clothes you have to keep buying.

Whether it’s calorie counting, points, portion control, Whole 30, Keto, etc., you have to decide what works for you.

I, personally count calories. Is it a perfect science? Not in a long shot. But you get an all around ballpark figure of what you are consuming. Calories don’t lie. After all, it’s a measure of heat that is required to burn up the food. Start with an app you can work with. Some require subscriptions, some are free. Once you start tracking your meals, you’ll get into the habit of doing that and it will be second nature.

What works for me, won’t necessarily work for you. You have to figure out what is the best avenue to take to stay healthy. Start a journal, write down what you eat during the day. Figure out according to your budget and lifestyle what would be the best way to tackle weight loss and to stay healthy as you age.

For instance: do you eat enough green veggies? Fresh veggies? Do you make smoothies that are not loaded with sugar? Do you consume empty calories? Do you have enough protein? Carbs are not the enemy. We need carbs for energy. Balance is the key to it all. Pretty soon you will start craving healthy foods instead of sugar loaded foods.

Make up your mind to start incorporating healthy foods every day. That way, you will not have to be the victim of age related diseases. Nutrient dense foods are what nourish every cell. Make sure you include all of those into your meals.

I know you can do it. I have faith in you. Once you make up your mind, nothing can stop you from being a healthier you.



Robin Helene Hebert
Managing aging for every body

What’s to say? I’m here to learn and inspire others too. And yes bring in income. I’m 66 and almost fully retired.