A Key To Get Your Projects Done Faster And Easier

Team Managly
Published in
5 min readJan 19, 2017
Image credits : Mariana Rio

Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things

World is a land of opportunities and the advent of the digital world have increased people’s chances to harness their opportunities and smoothen the edges of their rough diamonds.

Managly, complete workflow management app, is one such key that allows you to extract the full potential out of your projects by helping in easier, faster and efficient delivery of the end product.

A meticulous and well thought development flowchart is imperative for any start up or new company looking to find their footings in this volatile market.

You cannot expect a haphazard approach to product development to succeed in present times.

A product development process includes 8–9 steps which should be thoroughly analysed and discussed before embarking on the journey. The journey which takes an idea and converts it into a well-polished product is full of potential pitfalls and bumps at every turn and corner, but with proper planning and a meticulous approach, a workflow management app like Managly can be a life saver.

Various stages involved in product development process are:-

1. Idea backed with proper research :

If you look at the figures, more than 90% of ideas bite the dust, simply due to the fact that they lack proper precision and lack proper statistical backing. Common sense dictates that any idea would work only if it fulfils a need gap or creates a new one. Proper market research needs to be done to see if your idea can go the distance in present market conditions, and only then should the idea be taken forward.

2. Preparing a prototype for pitching to potential investors :

Once you are sure of the idea, start giving your 100% in creating a prototype of how the end product would like. This prototype will act as a sample to be presented in front of the angel investors/ potential clients. Along with creating a prototype, one needs to work thoroughly on the financial aspects of the product, pre-launch and post launch marketing strategy, ROI and various other details which will be presented to the investors along with the sample piece.

‘Sales are contingent upon the attitude of the salesman — not the attitude of the prospect’.

3. Investing the money received from investors in product design and development :

Now since you have procured the much needed investment, your real work starts. First on your priority list should be improvement in product design. Your end product might be very different from what you had envisaged when you initially came up with the idea.

It is virtually impossible to hit the bull’s eye in terms of product design. It goes through several rounds of iterations before finally being approved by the investors. Once the design is fixed, orders can be given for mass production.

Image credits : Mariana Rio

4. Pre-marketing Strategy :

Once you send the design for mass production, you start seeing the finish line. But, the final stretch is the most demanding stretch as it involves making people aware of your upcoming product through your marketing campaigns.

Your marketing strategy should be a mix of online and offline strategy incorporating the best of both worlds. If your product is digital centric, then it makes sense to channel your energy on on-line marketing and advertisements as that is where you would find your target group. But, if your product is more b2b centric, then you must focus more on the traditional strategies like OOH, Print, Television media, while not ignoring the digital media completely.

5. Quality assurance of the end product :

Once the first batch of products are produced, they undergo rigorous quality assurance tests before being given the final seal of approval. In case any issue arises during quality tests, their solution takes utmost priority.

6. The Grand Launch :

Your marketing campaign sets the stage for the grand launch of your product. Marketing ensures salience in the minds of the consumers, but a good word of mouth becomes the prime driver for the sales post launch.

7. Post sales marketing strategy :

Your marketing does not end with the launch of the product. Many sections of your TG will still not be fully aware of the product. In order to continue promoting the product till its reach does not reach the saturation point, marketing strategy should be continued and backed with proper funds.

Some product necessitates proper customer care centre for handling people’s queries and solving different product related issues.

After sales services is an integral part of the post launch phase.

As we see, a product development is a complicated issue which involves several departments working in tandem towards a final goal. Any wrong step at any stage can put the entire project in jeopardy.

This is where Managly helps by bringing all the concerned departments together on a common platform, thus making the entire process transparent. It is one of the best project management and prototyping tools that can help in maintaining a proper project schedule by making a common calendar available to all the departments, which can be viewed by everyone. Its time tracking feature allows for minimisation of delays and timely delivery of the product.

It is the perfect project planning tool which can help a existing organisation or a start up in segregating their processes into above mentioned stages and executing them to the best of its abilities. Managly is a master key that can help an organisation unlock their full potential and improve its efficiency manifolds.

Try Managly & Increase your productivity today. Get the access now

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