Why focus more on building team than company

Building a team is part of building a company, but the two are not exactly the same.

Paresh Khatri
3 min readJan 19, 2017


Building a team is part of building a company, but the two are not exactly the same. Your company is your business, the framework for generating a brand, marketing your product, and generating cash flow.

Establishing a team, on the other hand, while part of building your company is an entirely different process. Most of the entrepreneurs have terrific business ideas, and they get started on it all alone. As your company grows, you will quickly realize the necessity and the many benefits of developing a strong team — or a variety of teams to handle the different tasks you must accomplish to be successful.

When building a team, you want to closely focus on the skill sets of the team members you are considering. You will need to identify your own strengths and weaknesses as the business owner or manager, and aim to fill in some gaps that will add quality to your business, and cut down on your own workload.

Building a team will require you to find people who believe in your ideas, your vision, your mission, and your goals. One thing that many entrepreneurs run into trouble with is that the people they initially find to believe in them are their friends. Despite the fact that you probably have some amazing friends with top-notch skills, mixing business and friendship can get you into trouble. Take the support of your friends as encouragement, and go right ahead and continue to run ideas by them or discuss plans and obstacles. But, build your team with employees or contractors instead. This can really help when it comes time for honest feedback — going both ways.

Building a team can be fruitful in many ways. Here are just a few of the important advantages you will gain by building a great team:


A constant influx of great ideas:

When you have strong team members who believe in your ideas and your plan, they will often be able to help you see things from different perspectives or angles, or find more efficient ways to tackle the same old tasks.


A balance of energy:

Teamwork encourages good energy. A team that works well together will be more productive, and feel more fulfilled, which, again, breathes new ideas and enthusiasm into your work.

A shared sense of success:

Honest communication, shared responsibilities, and great work products will give your team a great sense of success. Being in it together helps you build a great culture for your company, one that breeds loyalty and helps you keep the quality people you find for your teams.

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