Why Managly Right for Me?

Team Managly
Published in
5 min readFeb 10, 2017

Every person working on a project, no matter how big or small, requires to track their daily tasks.

This is especially important when you’re working with a team. With many things the team has to do throughout the day, the lack of a tracking system can become difficult to figure out what and how much have you progressed.

This is necessary because when everyone knows everyone else’s ideas, opinions and strategies about a certain product or job, both the employees and the management always have a very clear idea of what is happening or is about to happen to the jobs in hand.

You might look at all this and say, “But hey, isn’t it crazy? How do I handle all this? This is beyond me!” We understand that. That is why, we have made amendments for that.

So where does Managly fit in? Well, right here.

It may seem like a mammoth task to get all these tidbits done. You may also end up wondering how and when are you going to work on the project if all these things are going to consume your energy and time.

That’s where Managly comes to your rescue like a superhero, just in time. We, at Managly, have brainstormed over the problems one faces while working on a project and have come up with an application, which is honestly more like a solution.

How ? Lets see ….

  1. Beautiful Kanban Board helping in task management :
Managly Application Screenshots

Assign tasks and track them without confusions.

  • With tools like Kanban board enabled in Managly system, you would never have to jump and switch screens to keep an eye on multiple tasks.
  • Managly allows you to add numerous tasks swiftly, and sees that you don’t lose time or brevity while doing so.
  • So whether its activity reports of tasks, user management or keeping track of tasks, it cannot get easier than this.
  • Reminders, to-dos and priority lists help you manage the rest. Managly also sees that you do not lose a single dime that you have worked for, even if it slips your observation
  • Notify collaborators with help of @mentions easily. It is about time you shake off the monotone of e-mails that hampers your work and get work done actually.

2. Getting Simpler, Better and Clearer Feedback

Managly Application Screenshots
  • Feedback is one front on which Managly excels extraordinarily. With all your clients, stakeholders, teams on the very same page, there is no running around exchanging ideas and conducting long discussions with a third-person.

Everything happens in real time with everyone hearing everyone else and sharing their own ideas.

  • So just Share designs, documents or just research idea and instantly get feedback and you Iterate and Deliver without wasting even one minute.

3. Work with your files on the go

Managly Application Screenshots
  • Upload files and track them from file Manager: There’s always more than one ways to do things & Managly knows that mighty well, so that’s why, it gives you different options to upload files against their tasks.

This makes your work so easy & quick, you can brew yourself that much needed cup of coffee with the surplus time.

  • Organize Your Files Easily and Manage Them in Dedicated Folders: Scattered files shouldn’t worry you anymore because with Managly, there’s nothing such as scattered in first place. We organise all your files in neat folders against the tasks assigned thus ensuring that you don’t lose any of your data, ever again.

4. Track Time Spent On Projects and Plans

Managly Application Screenshots
  • Managly enables you to keep a track of resources you spend on a project and the returns you get in terms of progress.
  • It allows a number of people to log time on basis of their tasks, thus making time tracking a very easy process. The process which actually works and is loved by all.

5. Bill Clients Flexibly and Send Invoices on the go

Managly Application Screenshots
  • With advanced yet simple invoices, it takes your billings to a completely new level where detail is the substance.
  • Whether you bill your clients on hourly basis or fixed cost basis, get it done quickly, easily by sending auto invoices
  • One click is all it would take for you to monitor and manage the billed and unbilled hours for any project, thus letting you control both time and expenditure easily.

6. Integrate with your favourite apps :

You can use Managly in perfect synchronization with the applications you have been using since forever — GitHub, DropBox and Google Drive to name a handful. This will help your team to begin working with Managly immediately without having to go through the first tedious day of set-ups.

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