A Comprehensive Guide to the HR Lifecycle

Arief Yusoff
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2023

Human resources (HR) covers a much wider ground than any image one might conjure. It involves an end-to-end planning and execution of the experience, productivity and sustainability of the workforce.

In this regard, the HR life cycle remains the backbone of any successful organization across industries. It is also an essential piece in growing, developing, and managing the workforce.

In a heated job market such as today, employers are having a hard time lading the right talent on their open spots. There were over 1.29 million open jobs waiting to be filled in the UK around January and March of 2022.

It goes without saying that having a comprehensive HR strategy with a thorough understanding of the HR lifecycle and the various phases it encompasses will indeed boost a company’s growth and success.

For those who just entered the business or are looking to enhance their growth strategies, we welcome you to the guide to a comprehensive HR lifecycle.

We’ll run you through an overview of each stage of the HR lifecycle and outline strategies and tools to streamline processes, establish compliance measures and optimize outcomes.

Let’s get into it!

Understanding the Phases of the HR Lifecycle

The HR lifecycle can be divided into six distinct phases:

  • Recruitment is the process of getting the right employees to join the organization. It is a critical phase of the HR lifecycle, as it sets the tone for the entire employee experience. Keep in mind that the right hires will help ensure that your organization is able to achieve its goals.
  • Onboarding helps new hires smoothly transition into their new roles. It’s important to provide new employees with the necessary resources and support to ensure that they are able to quickly become productive members of the team.
  • Development deals with fostering and promoting learning and growth for employees. It helps ensure that employees are able to continuously learn and grow.
  • Performance entails performance management initiatives to ensure that employees are productive and efficient.
  • Accommodation involves making sure that employees are provided with a supportive and congenial working environment.
  • Departure includes initiatives such as offboarding and separation. It ensures that employees are able to end their relationship with companies on good terms.

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Preparing for Each Stage of the HR Lifecycle

In order for companies and recruitment agencies to maximize their HR lifecycle, it is important to establish processes for each of its phases to ensure the effective execution of all operations.

First things first, it’s important to review existing HR policies and procedures and ensure that they are up-to-date and appropriate for your workforce. Also, it is crucial to identify potential challenges and gaps in current systems, address these things, and look for ways to improve.

When preparing for each stage of the HR lifecycle, make sure that policies are clearly communicated to all staff members so that everyone is aware of their rights and responsibilities.

It is also important to ensure that the HR team is adequately trained and equipped to handle the various stages of the HR lifecycle. This includes having the necessary resources and tools to effectively manage the recruitment process, onboarding, and performance management.

Ensuring that the HR team is aware of the latest trends and developments in the HR field is vital as well. Your team can provide the best advice and guidance to the organization.

Finally, ensure that the HR team is able to provide timely and accurate feedback to the company. This includes providing feedback on the performance of employees, as well as providing guidance on how to improve processes and procedures.

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Leveraging Technology to Streamline the HR Lifecycle

In a very competitive job market such as today, the use of cutting-edge technology is paramount in driving efficiency and productivity within the HR sector. So, don’t be surprised if you’re experiencing the rise of technology in the HR sector, as over 4.8 million businesses are now utilizing recruitment technology and tools, and it is predicted that the number will climb up to 6 million in 2023.

Why? The answer is simple. Because automating manual, administrative tasks, enabling remote access to employee information, and optimizing recruiting processes are just some ways that technology has enabled HR professionals to simplify the HR lifecycle.

Digital tools such as Applicant Tracking Systems or ATS have been instrumental in improving, tracking, analyzing, reporting, and forecasting the trajectory of the market.

Moreover, video conferencing, instant messaging, and online collaboration platforms can help organizations to foster a culture of collaboration and communication, which leads to improved employee morale, productivity, and engagement, as well as the reduction of the need for costly travel and physical meetings.

With innovative tools at hand, HR teams will be able to obtain an accurate understanding of their workforce. And by leveraging the latest technologies, organizations can streamline their HR processes by becoming more intuitive, faster, and more secure.

Make the Most Out of Your HR Lifecycle with Manatal

Manatal is an ATS specifically tuned to streamline the recruitment process and help HR professionals optimize their HR lifecycle within a few clicks. Repetitive tasks will no longer weigh you down as Manatal’s AI engine is able to automate the documentation and backlogging activity in a blink of an eye.

You’ll be able to seamlessly navigate through an HR cycle seamlessly from end to end as Manatal consolidates the recruitment process into a single platform.

Moreover, our Candidate Sourcing and Candidate Enrichment feature helps you to complete candidates’ profiles and form a quality shortlist by browsing the web and migrating their available online profiles into its database. The platform also matches candidates’ profiles with your open jobs based on skills, work experience, and more.

This saves up an overabundance of time and allows HR professionals to focus on their more important tasks, such as establishing and maintaining connections with the candidates.

At the same time, Manatal allows you to further simplify the management pipeline with its Vendor Management System. Your company will be able to conveniently keep track with each progress and connect with the recruitment partners in one place.

When it comes to accomplishing a smooth recruitment, communication is the key. And Manatal’s inbox feature is designed for that exact purpose; a seamless communication from end to end. You will be able to connect, share progress, and follow up with all parties in real time, 24/7.

*First published on Manatal.com.

*To read the full article, click here.

Manatal is an end-to-end recruitment and onboarding SaaS platform trusted by thousands of brands in over 135 countries worldwide. It is an AI-powered Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool that allows companies to hire faster, better and save costs.

