The Future of Full-Cycle Recruiting: Trends and Predictions for the Industry

Arief Yusoff
Published in
5 min readMar 6, 2023

The full-cycle recruiting landscape is ever-evolving. With rapidly changing trends and cutting-edge technologies, this landscape can be quite complex to understand.

As such, it’s important to stay up to date with the latest innovations and strategies within the full-cycle recruiting practice.

Now, throwing this your way from the beginning might sound scary as one would assume that the process is complex and cumbersome, but according to research by LinkedIn, understanding how to improve the recruitment process can bring in quality and reduce the hiring cycle by 60%.

So, to help you get a head start on the full-cycle recruiting journey while racing ahead of competitors without a headache, we have collected an overview of the trends, disruptors, and predictions for the future of full-cycle recruiting, as well as ways to improve your process.

Are you ready? Let’s get right to it!

Full-Cycle Recruiting: A Definition

Full-cycle recruiting is an integral part of the human resources (HR) process. It is more inclusive than the traditional recruitment process in the sense that it covers all stages of recruiting, from candidate sourcing and interviewing all the way to the onboarding stage.

It is clear to see that a successful full-cycle recruiting process is a crucial part of any company’s success. To fully understand the benefits, it’s important to consider the breadth of components and activities involved in successful full-cycle recruiting.

The full-cycle recruiting process begins with the identification of a need for a new hire. The next step is the development of a job description and the sourcing of potential candidates. Once the candidates have been identified, the next step is to conduct interviews and assessments to determine the best fit for the role.

After that, the onboarding process begins. This process includes orientation, training, and the development of a performance plan.

This process also includes the ongoing management of the new hire. What do we mean by that? Well, it means providing feedback and guidance, monitoring performance, and providing additional training and development opportunities.

Finally, the full-cycle recruiting process should have an exit interview to gain insight into the employee’s experience and to identify areas for improvement.

This is why the entire spectrum of this process is an essential part of any successful HR process. By taking a comprehensive approach to recruiting, companies can ensure that they are hiring the best candidates for the job and providing them with the support and guidance they need to be successful in their career paths.

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Trends & Disruptors

As digital transformation continues to transform traditional HR processes, full-cycle recruitment is no longer limited to just HR professionals or recruiters sourcing candidates and marketing great companies.

It has become more technical as technology and analytics form the backbone of modern recruitment processes. Just to get the conversation going, 35% of small companies and 89% of large businesses are now using recruitment technology like Applicant Tracking System (ATS) software to improve their hiring process.

With that in mind, these are some of the most notable trends in today’s full-cycle recruitment landscape:

  • Automation
  • AI integration
  • Leveraging of social media for talent acquisition
  • Automated screening processes
  • Leveraging of big data analytics
  • Improving candidate experiences

Along with the list above, the use of virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) technologies are also becoming increasingly popular in the recruitment process. Why? Because both of these technologies can be used to simulate job roles and provide candidates with a realistic experience of the job they are applying for.

This provides candidates with a better understanding of the job and the company while reducing the time and cost associated with the recruitment process.

Now, let’s take a deeper look at some of these trends and find out how to strategize around them.

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Automation and AI in Recruiting

The emergence of automation and AI have been major disruptors to the recruitment process. Almost 55% of companies are putting their money into recruitment automation.

Obviously, because automation enables you to streamline various recruitment tasks such as background checking, shortlisting, scheduling interviews, and so on. This helps reduce a big chunk of time.

Moreover, AI-powered chatbots can be used to address pre-screening questions while providing a human-like response. AI can also be used to provide personalized job descriptions, as well as providing matching algorithms which can suggest ideal candidates for particular vacancies.

The use of automation and AI in recruitment can also eliminate bias in the hiring process. How? The AI algorithms match the candidate with the roles based on their skills and experience.

This ensures that the best candidates are selected for the job, regardless of their gender, race, or other factors.

In addition, AI can be used to provide a more accurate assessment of a candidate’s skills and abilities, which further increases the probability that the right person is hired for the job.

Overall, the use of automation and AI in recruitment can bring more quality to your recruitment while reducing the time it takes to find the right candidate and optimizing the process from end to end.

Leveraging Social Media for Talent Acquisition

Social media has become an effective recruiting platform as it enables employers to connect with potential employees with ease. It allows employers to broadcast job postings, network with employees actively looking for new opportunities, and post links to their company’s career page.

Social media also provides employers with the opportunity to showcase their company culture and values. By posting content that reflects the company’s mission and values.

This will help employers establish and strengthen their brands while attracting job seekers who are a good fit for the organization.

Employers can use social media to engage with prospective candidates and answer any questions they may have about the company or the job in real-time. Engaging with candidates this way will help you build relationships with candidates and keep them informed about job openings.

The positive impression will encourage the right candidates to apply for open positions without a second thought.

*First published on

*To read the full article, click here.

Manatal is an end-to-end recruitment and onboarding SaaS platform trusted by thousands of brands in over 135 countries worldwide. It is an AI-powered Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and Customer Relationship Management (CRM) tool that allows companies to hire faster, better and save costs.

