Driving the Mandala Revolution Forward

Our move to Malta as we continue to pursue full compliance!

Nate Flanders
3 min readAug 28, 2018

It has been nearly a decade since the world was introduced to one of the fastest growing and most disruptive industries yet — blockchain, cryptocurrencies, and digital assets. We’ve never seen a technology space grow with the same fervor and passion since the internet and email brought us nearly instantaneous connectivity on a global scale. While still obscure to most and novelty to others, Bitcoin and Ethereum have driven an entirely new asset class into the mainstream, creating a new industry and capturing the world’s attention.

Cryptocurrencies and digital assets are such an infant industry that regulation, much needed, is still being developed to accommodate our legal systems and protect the communities of supporters currently in the space. As payment mediums, investment vehicles and a revolutionary technology, the rate of development and complexity has found regulatory bodies around the world only just beginning to understand these new tools.

Regulation isn’t taboo, in fact, it is much needed in a space often called “the wild west” or viewed synonymously with casinos and gambling. Adopters have been participating in the space similarly to equity, commodity, and forex trading. However, without regulatory guidance, adoption is stifled by a lack of certainty for mainstreet and institutional participants. As a function of percentages, global adoption is still fractional, barely a blip on the radar, but if measured in dollars, there is a significant amount of capital at work. Regulation is needed to help mature the industry, further adoption and drive more capital into the space.

Investors, adopters, and participants need certainty in the future of the cryptocurrency and digital asset space, and Mandala is ushering in this next phase of adoption and implementation. Determined in mission and resolute in values, the Mandala team is bringing an exchange and platform to market where the focus is on consumers, users, and adopters. In ensuring longevity, Mandala strives for full regulatory compliance with U.S. and global securities laws, and in this industry, speed matters.

Without sacrificing our values and our directive to achieve full compliance in the United States — Mandala will begin operating in 2018 headquartered in Malta. As we balance our goals of regulatory compliance with the needs of our user base, our shift in strategy is central to bringing the Mandala exchange and platform to market sooner while we continue to work with US Regulatory bodies. Being fully operational and compliant in Malta will strengthen our foothold in the industry and help us continue to pursue our mission of full compliance with U.S. and global securities law.

Forgoing typical models of extreme profit focus that are delivered through a barely useable platform, Mandala is taking these steps to lead the industry with an alternative exchange and platform where our focus is the needs of market participants. Our leadership and legal teams will continue to work towards global operational compliance, integral to our global adoption mandate.

Dedicated to connecting the universe through blockchain, driving connectivity and ensuring the longevity of the cryptocurrency and digital asset space, this strategic shift has enabled our soon to be released update to the Mandala Development Roadmap. Our community of supporters will soon be able to join the Mandala platform and together we will trailblaze the industry. This strategic shift has enabled us to accelerate our timelines as we execute our alpha and beta testing schedule, and we couldn’t be more excited to bring the Mandala Platform to market sooner!

Yours Truly,

Nate Flanders, CEO & Co-Founder

Anant Handa, CSO & Co-Founder

In the meantime, if you ever were curious about the origin of the Fibonnaci sequence, check out this great article by our own, John Boyce — A Universe Connected!

