Mandala Exchange Update

Zach Daniels
2 min readSep 5, 2020


Community Update — 9/4/2020

Greetings from the Mandala Team,

It’s time for another community update! In short, things are looking great. Here’s a brief overview of what has been happening the last couple of weeks.

Backend Access

In addition to the frontend, we now also have access to the backend of the system in order to monitor and manage the platform. This brings us one important step closer to reaching our launch date.

DeFi Markets

With the popularity of DeFi in the ecosystem, we are creating a markets list dedicated to over 20 popular DeFi assets that will be available upon launch. No gas required to trade :)

Jumio Contract is Signed

As a follow up to last week, our partnership with Jumio for KYC services has been finalized and the configuration and integration of their services into the Mandala platform is underway.

Testing is Underway

Testing and QA of all features and functionality of the platform is well underway. Our development team will be working to remediate any technological issues prior to launch.

Fund Raising is Complete

We have closed our fundraising round, having successfully raised enough capital to secure a two-year runway for operation of the Mandala platform. We exceeded our original top-end goal by a wide margin. Thank you to all those involved who have continued to believe in our vision for Mandala and we look forward to launching Mandala Exchange in the coming weeks.

Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peak of the new platform!


The Mandala Team

