How to have a Doing self without denying the Being Self

On the dilemma of whether to have a thing or its opposite

Earth Unearth
Mandatory Mud
2 min readDec 21, 2022


The struggle to choose between a thought/ behaviour/ attitude and its inverse, e.g., to have resentment of injustice or release it for lightness —

Have it your way. Have pockets of the opposite. Pockets that are another space-time, ritually cordoned off.

e.g., release resentments in meditation
→ to release it → must acknowledge it, look at it from all angles for clarity, keep self untouched from it for the duration


Can bypass exhausting bottomless investigation into what is the right thing, what does it make me, what am I meant to do, how shall I do it…

You’ve thought these thoughts, riddled these riddles. There’s no conclusion, no clarity, no course of action. Don’t flail in queries. See two opposing choices? Pick one for the unthinking brain body, the other for pockets of stillness.

You still proceed on definite courses of action without FOMO.

Is having an alter-ego the cure to not knowing one’s Dharma?

Have it all. What’s to happen will prevail. Track it, reflect on the how more than the why, sleep → this is where problem-solving happens.

If the choices for the Doing self are too many and too scattered for the solitary Being Self to grasp and turn into matter of this world, simply Be Many Selves.

Just Beyond Yourself- David Whyte



Earth Unearth
Mandatory Mud

drinker of stronkk coffee | I follow rituals- Bykke Bi