On Reality, Beauty and Us

What if the Real World is imagination of the spiritually obese?

Earth Unearth
Mandatory Mud
2 min readDec 31, 2020


The modern world is an artifice. It is a veneer, imperceptible unless you seek More. All its visuals, perceptions, constructs, concepts, ideas, movements are posturing as normal. Jerkily tearing away from those, the mind is not disoriented but finds its footing with certitude for perhaps the first time outside the flashes of intution.

Imagine unzipping the smog-filled sky to reach for the Reality beyond. Perception is not truth. Imitation is not art. These are techniques. They may be accurate, but accuracy is not the point of our existence.

Experience is. Control of thought is the ideal of worship. It is the human task to cast into materiality the experience of the Divine. Imitating nature is neither necessary or sufficient. Conceptualising the abstract form of Divinity, and making that material is the task of the artist.

Mount Kailash by Suvarna Dheringe (Pune)

Beauty is the only pure and potent refutation of perversion. Not logic, not arguments, not facts, not ideology — all of which are in fact tools of cultural perversion. The devil cannot be extinguished by its own horns.

Beauty is the distilled essence of the truth we know but can’t grasp. Only that which is beautiful is True. Some truths are terrifying in their beauty. Beauty is not pleasure and comfort — these are traps set for the spiritually obese. Beauty is pain, grit, gumption, joy, meaning, growing. Beauty is walking onto the battlefield with certain knowledge of brutal torture and death, only to ge able to say when weaklings wonder why you did it — “Because I could.”



Earth Unearth
Mandatory Mud

drinker of stronkk coffee | I follow rituals- Bykke Bi