Why read disjointedly

or, how to read to remember that the writer and reader are people

Earth Unearth
Mandatory Mud
May 4, 2021


A non-linear, non-predetermined way of reading breaks the text into self-intelligible pieces of a whole whose cohesion can be tested by the reader’s mind. It forces the reader to pay individual attention to each unit, sub-unit artificially strung into a chapter.

Meaningfulness is now subject also to the reader’s sensitivity and meaning-making intentions, not just the publisher’s.

This unprecedented focus by interest keeps the subject alive in ever-more curious ways, a magic activated by the refusal to obey numbers at the bottom of a page.

Honour the sacrifice of the trees by cutting up inky sequences.

Chop chop!



Earth Unearth
Mandatory Mud

drinker of stronkk coffee | I follow rituals- Bykke Bi