A Holiday SCIPAB® and Wish for You

Heather Muir
Mandel Communications Blog
2 min readDec 21, 2017

The situation is . . .

It’s the holiday season! A time for joy, right?

The complication is…

People have more to contend with than usual. More to-dos. More traffic. More financial and social obligations. More interpersonal dynamics to navigate.

What that means is . . .

While a wonderful time to celebrate, it’s common to feel MORE stressed!

According to a 2015 Healthline Survey, 62% of respondents described their stress level as “very or somewhat” elevated during the holidays. Only 10 percent reported no stress during the season. (What I wouldn’t give to be one of those people!)

Something to know, because science says so . . .

According to the Mayo Clinic and researchers at Harvard, laughter and mindfulness reduce stress! Both lower stress hormones, decrease pain, and boost immunity. In fact, a hearty laugh can relax your muscles for up to 45 minutes.

Take a moment for yourself . . .

Take a breather. Literally. Take 5–10 deep breaths.

Watch a funny video.

Contemplate a beautiful, serene photograph or work of art.

Share a joke with your colleague.

Read a short poem.

Listen to a favorite song.

Play a game with family or friends.

Stretch for five minutes. Strike a yoga pose or two.

If you do . . .

You’ll not only reduce your stress and boost your immunity, you’ll be more present and able to enjoy the time you spend celebrating with family or friends or even just in quiet reflection by yourself.

Our wish for you . . .

Thank you for your readership this year. Our wish for you this season and into 2018 is that you’re able to take moments for yourself and feel less stress and more joy.

May you experience the peace and calm we all need in order to live well and love well.

As you can see in the photo at the top of this blog, we’re trying to walk the talk when it comes to de-stressing. Folks in our Capitola, CA headquarters recently took some time to unwind, share some laughs, and celebrate.

So from our zany Mandel family to you and yours, Happy Holidays!

Want to create your own holiday SCIPAB®?

Wait, what’s SCIPAB? It’s Mandel’s easy-to-use 6-step approach for quickly, clearly, and credibly communicating ideas that resonate with your listeners.

Learn more about it and download your personal SCIPAB Pocket Prompt here.



Heather Muir
Mandel Communications Blog

Heather Muir directs Mandel Communications’ marketing, branding and communications strategies.