Human and Digital Transformation through Learning in 2020

Heather Muir
Mandel Communications Blog
4 min readJan 17, 2020

In line with our steadfast commitment to helping transform your teams and drive workplace performance, in 2020 the blog will be a place where the Mandel team delivers skill-building tips. We’ll help your talent organize their thinking, engage in productive conversations, build better presentations and collaborate in teams.

Also true to our purpose, we’ll be crafting content to help you navigate the most pressing trends and trends impacting your talent’s ability to be successful. Understanding how the bigger trends impact the everyday work environment will better prepare your leadership and your individual contributors to communicate, collaborate, and navigate the changing business landscape.

In addition to our core topics like thinking, presentation, conversation and team collaboration skills, we’ll also be cultivating and curating content for the following topics:

  1. Welcoming Generation Z — Generation Z (born between 1995 and 2010), the latest wave of talent to enter the workforce, are digitally native truth-seekers, according to analyst McKinsey. We’ll talk about how companies are rethinking their training approaches to accommodate generational differences, as well as how the generational shift is driving the need for targeted communication skills training.
  2. Managing a Global Workforce — The growing tech talent shortage ( expected to reach one million engineers by 2024) means that global hiring is on the rise. We’ll look at how to optimize innovation with a more diverse workforce, time-zone agnostic ways to engage with global teams, and how adapting shared communication frameworks can improve collaboration and team performance.
  3. Helping Technical Workers Be Better Communicators and Collaborators — We’ll look at how the people responsible for the performance of technical professionals — whether that’s an HR Business Partner, CIO, CTO, or IT Director — can ready their teams to effectively communicate and collaborate across the organization.
  4. Building Competitive Workplace Skills — Top on the list of 2020 competitive skills are critical thinking, cross-cultural competence and team collaboration. We plan to explore how cognitive diversity can help your team solve problems more effectively. We will also talk about how technology affects communication styles, how remote or virtual communication differs from face-to-face interaction and how to collaborate effectively across cultures and geographies.
  5. Reskilling and Upskilling — With 67% of global employees open to reskilling under any circumstances ( Boston Consulting Group), leveraging and maximizing your human resource investment is a sound strategy for closing the gaps in your own organization. In the coming months, we’ll explore the global trends that are driving the increase in upskilling and reskilling, how emerging tech like virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and robotics are shaping reskilling efforts, what learning journeys for reskilling can look like, and how to measure the impact of soft skills upskilling and reskilling programs.
  6. Creating a Listening Culture — In 2020, we’ll provide you with research-backed resources to help you understand and benefit from the diversity of listening styles in your organization. We’ll explore how the science of listening is critical to more productive conversations, meetings, sales engagements and presentations — really, any type of communication.
  7. Optimizing Learning Technology — We’ll dive into how leading organizations are integrating online communication training and skill building into their existing technology frameworks, how innovative technology (AI, ML, VR) is being used to improve communication and team collaboration skills, and how learning and development are using AI and other types of simulations to help sales teams and technology professionals test and improve their presentation skills in real time.
  8. Handling the Challenges of Remote Work — We will tackle topics like how virtual presentation skills differ from face-to-face, how to run effective virtual meetings, how to build stronger remote teams, and how to communicate compellingly and with credibility whether you’re in the same room or 5,000 miles away.

Conclusion: Kicking off 2020

Our focus in 2020 is to provide you with more ways to get the results you’re looking for — whether you’re the head of L&D, Sales, HR, IT, or a leader who’s looking to optimize your team’s performance. When you build a strong critical thinking, communication, collaboration and listening culture using proven and results-driven frameworks and training approaches, you put your organization in an optimal position to succeed.

If you’re ready to learn more about how Mandel can help you make this your best year yet, we’d love to hear from you. Here’s to a prosperous and productive new year!

Let’s communicate!

Is there a topic you’re keen for us to cover? Send your ideas to

Originally published at



Heather Muir
Mandel Communications Blog

Heather Muir directs Mandel Communications’ marketing, branding and communications strategies.