Using Artificial Intelligence for Communication Training Reinforcement

Diane Burgess-Faber
Mandel Communications Blog
5 min readJan 18, 2018

In 2016, training expenditure in the US exceeded $70.6 billion — yet experts say that 90% of new skills are lost within a year if they aren’t reinforced.

Doing the rough math, by not reinforcing training, organizations run the risk of wasting up to $63.54 billion a year.

If you’re in charge of employee development — whether in HR, a Business Unit, or Sales Enablement — employee training is a big investment that can sometimes feel like a high-stakes gamble, especially when it comes to soft skills training.

You might wonder, “Am I choosing the right solution? Will they adopt the skills? Will my investment turn results? Can I confidently report a viable ROI?”

The answer to those questions and others can be “YES.” And today I’m going to tell you how: Incorporate Orai into your learning technology stack.

Orai isn’t just a cool piece of tech, it’s the answer to your communication skills training reinforcement needs.

If you don’t believe me, just take a look at what WIRED, Fast Company, and TechCrunch have to say about Orai.

Now, it’s possible to deliver communication skills training at scale AND to multiply and reinforce it through 1:1 coaching powered by artificial intelligence.

It’s as easy as 1–2–3. Pick up your smartphone, open the Orai App, hit record, and start talking Freestyle. Orai will instantly provide you with feedback on the clarity of your speech, your filler words, pacing, and energy.

Whether you’re practicing a speech or sales pitch, or just working on your overall presentation presence — Orai will help you improve from word one.

Specifically, Orai picks up on filler words like um, like, you know, right and tells you if you’re speaking too fast or too slow. It even provides you with a transcript, so you can evaluate how clear and concise you were. AND, it provides you with color-coded highlights indicating your tone projection or lack thereof.

Even more exciting, very soon Orai will be able to analyze your posture, body language, and facial expressions to provide you with 7-point, real-time feedback — all from your smartphone.

And here’s the kicker: These core capabilities are offered for FREE.

Working together, Orai and Mandel are committed to giving every person — no matter where they are in the world or where they are in their development journey — access to a tool to help them communicate more clearly and effectively.

Instead of just reinforcing training, our goal is to re-empower people.

Let’s empower employees and individuals throughout the world to take what they already know and give them a tool to effectively practice with dignity and then share with confidence and integrity.

Pretty powerful stuff. All the while, your communication training investment in your employee is generating significant returns.

Mandel believes so strongly in this mission and the power of this technology, that we’ve established an exclusive partnership to provide Orai with ongoing communication expertise.

We’ve embedded Mandel’s approach and tools into the Orai experience, to ensure each and every user can learn new communication techniques while they practice in order to accelerate their improvement.

And if you attend a Mandel training? It’s like having a coach in your pocket afterward.

Every Mandel training alum now has access to the tools and methodologies they learned in class right in the palm of their hand to reference, practice, and reinforce.

And because it’s available wherever your employees are whenever they want it, they get the just-in-time support they need to tackle unexpected high-stakes presentations or customer conversations.

With instant feedback, driven by artificial intelligence, your employees won’t spend another day waiting for a peer or manager to help them practice. That saves your organization the time and the expense of pulling people away from their work. ROI. ROI. ROI.

(And just imagine the introverts it will help? Don’t get me going on THAT topic!)

Did I mention you can share your recordings? That’s a one-click process too. So if your employees need or want additional input from a colleague, manager, or friend, they can share their recordings with anyone.

Want more? Want a custom experience?

No problem.

Through the simple, yet ridiculously effective use of custom coding, Orai can provide any organization with the power to load your content, messaging, and methodologies onto the App to create a unique experience for your employees.

Imagine you’re launching a new product, managing a merger, introducing new messaging to the marketplace, promoting a new sales offer, or transforming your brand or culture.

With just one click, your employees can have access to all your company-specific information on their smartphone.

That way, they can start learning the content and practicing the communication surrounding those strategic activities immediately — and then get instant feedback on their progress.

The ability to get this kind of information into your employees’ hands fast and effectively leads to:

  • Quicker adoption.
  • Streamlined communications inside and outside the organization.
  • Faster decision making.
  • More precise execution.

There is a fee for custom services, but the ROI you’ll generate quickly makes the cost feel nominal at most.

Who benefits the most?

The individual? The organization? Or the person who put their neck out to invest in their employees?

The truth is, ALL benefit.

Try it.

Download it now for free from Apple App Store or Google Play Store.

Use it to practice your next high stakes sales presentation, prepare for a difficult conversation, or get ready for an analyst call you have coming up. It’s even a great tool for that wedding speech you have to give.

Anytime you feel anxious about what you’re going to say or how you’re going to say it. . . open the Orai App. PRACTICE! See for yourself how useful it can be.

New year. New skills. New upgrades.

As you get a running start this New Year (and think about how you can get and keep employees ready for anything), consider the powerful combination Orai offers: instant AI-driven coaching and feedback backed by Mandel Communications’ expertise.

One more thing — Orai Pro launches in February 2018 with new features for Mandel clients. So, there are MORE exciting things on the horizon.

Want to learn more?

Make Mandel and Orai part of your team’s skill-building and reinforcement routine in 2018.

Click here to learn more.



Diane Burgess-Faber
Mandel Communications Blog

Diane is Principal & Vice President of Solutions Design and Client Engagement at Mandel Communications