An Introduction to Artificial Intelligence (AI) & Machine Learning (ML)

M&S Software Development
4 min readSep 30, 2020

Artificial intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) are two of the hottest buzzwords in tech over the past decade. You may have heard the terms used as business jargon in a broader context around data, big data, analytics, and other general technology-related topics. On the other hand, you may have heard about AI in a sci-fi context, such as movies or books which portray AI as a sentient human-made being, which threatens the well-being of humanity — this makes for an interesting thought experiment. Still, we’ll leave speculations about the future of AI up to your imagination!

The truth is, it’s difficult to predict precisely where AI advances will lead in the future. An excellent way to think about the future of AI is to think of it as a new Industrial Revolution — it’s not about man vs. machine, but man & machine vs. the problem. The potential for AI to help humanity solve difficult problems in new ways is why the recent influx of investment from tech giants and venture capitalists into this exciting technology. As we proceed, keep in mind that while the terms “AI” and “ML” are often used interchangeably, there are some important distinctions to be aware of.

Artificial Intelligence

A machine is said to have AI if it can interpret data and accomplish seemingly complex tasks. More generally, AI is a technique that enables devices to mimic and exhibit human behavior and intelligence. You may find yourself asking, “What does it mean to ‘exhibit human behavior and intelligence’?”

The idea of “exhibiting intelligence” includes:

  • Abstract Thinking
  • Showing Creativity
  • Strategically Solving Problems

You may not realize that you interact with AI on a regular basis. Here are some common examples:

  • Netflix’s recommended shows and movies
  • Spotify’s custom playlists
  • Instagram/Facebook feeds
  • Roomba vacuum
  • Smart home devices (Amazon Alexa, Google Home, etc.)
  • Driver Assist Technologies (Lane Keep Assist, Adaptive Cruise Control, etc.)

You may be wondering… Why are computers so good at some of these tasks?

In today’s hyper-connected world, consumers generate incredibly vast data sets daily. In fact, more than 90% of the world’s data has been developed in just the past few years. Thanks to continued advances in computing technology, computers can make sense of large amounts of information and data very quickly, leading AI to become the “next big thing.”

Machine Learning

ML, a subset of AI, is used for “pattern recognition,” which is a crucial part of building intelligent systems with large data sets. ML uses statistical methods to enable machines to improve over time with experience (primarily through trial and error). In essence, ML is a tool used for enhancing a machine’s decision making without being explicitly programmed. This rapid learning ability is fundamental to the value proposition of an artificially intelligent system.

With ML, a machine retains information and becomes smarter over time, just like a human. However, unlike humans, devices are not susceptible to human ailments, such as short-term memory loss, information overload, sleep deprivation, or distractions. On the other hand, humans are generally much better at using context that may not be obvious to computers. For this reason, some things that are “relatively” easy for humans are far more difficult for machines (writing stories, navigating unmarked roads with oncoming traffic, making music, etc.)

All this being said, it’s important to remember that ML enables machines to learn similarly to humans. Like any newborn, that means they have to learn through experience. With ML, programs analyze large datasets to build an algorithm to achieve specific goals. The computer will then tweak the algorithm and continue improving over time, which, in a sense, means that the program gets “smarter.”

AI versus ML

  • AI is am umbrella term and a broader concept than ML.
  • AI is the concept of “intelligent machines,” whereas ML is a method used to create AI applications.
  • An AI system may be an entire program or tool, whereas ML is a tool used to inform AI applications.

Final Words

AI is an endless journey of integrating human intelligence into modern machinery. Using AI, humanity has already solved many difficult problems, though we still have a long way to go. There are countless innovations that will be created over the coming decades through the power of AI, as the ever-improving technology will increasingly become part of nearly every aspect of our lives (in many ways, it is already). As for machine learning, the techniques and tools will continue to evolve and improve over time, as it’s imperative that we find effective ways to train machines to pioneer new industries, products, and businesses.

We’re Here to Help

Now that you have a better understanding of AI and ML, you’re one step closer to launching your new product or business.

At M&S Consulting, we understand that integrating AI and ML into your product line or business may seem intimidating. Whether you’re looking to take the next step, ask questions, or need a general consultation, we’d love to help! Visit our website to learn more today.

