Mobile App vs Web App

What are The Differences and Which One is Right for You?

M&S Software Development
4 min readSep 23, 2020


While native mobile apps and web apps may appear similar on the surface, there are several things to consider when choosing which one is right for your use case. Not only are there significant differences in the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX); the two types of applications are developed and generally utilized differently. Why is this important?

For the first time, the average time spent on mobile devices is exceeding the time spent watching television. Accordingly, people are using their mobile devices to access information in new ways and with higher frequency than ever before. Due to this increase in screen time and exposure to an ever-increasing number of digital interfaces, the bar is always being raised when it comes to providing a world-class experience for your users. Now, more than ever, you must be strategic about the approach you take to best serve your user base and ensure high adoption/retention.

As technologies continue to advance for both mobile and web applications, businesses must understand the advantages, disadvantages, and trade-offs involved when deciding between a mobile app or a web app.

Let’s take a further look at the main characteristics of each.

Mobile Apps

Native mobile apps are software applications designed for a specific platform, namely iOS (iPhone) or Android (Samsung Galaxy devices, Google Pixel, etc.). Mobile apps are downloaded and installed directly from an app store (App Store or Google Play Store) and run on the device itself. Some examples of popular mobile apps include Instagram, Snapchat, Google Maps, YouTube, and Tik Tok. Since native mobile apps are designed specifically for a particular operating system, they are typically used when the requirements include high performance, reliability, and seamless user experience.

Web Apps

Web apps, on the contrary, are not native to a particular system and don’t need to be installed; they are accessed through an internet browser and will conform to the device you’re viewing them on. Due to their adaptive nature, they may look very similar and function a lot like mobile apps but require a steady and reliable internet connection. That being said, generally web apps are more simplistic in terms of features and UI/UX.

Mobile Apps vs Web Apps

Let’s consider the Yelp mobile app on Apple iPhone vs Yelp web app, accessed by going to At first glance, you’ll notice that both apps look quite similar.

While the UI/UX are similar and follow the same scheme, these are two different products. The mobile app facilitates a quick and seamless user experience, while the web app is a little slower, as it is not optimized for the mobile experience. However, the user can access the web app from many devices without ever having to download anything to the device, which is a big friction point for user acquisition.

Advantages of mobile apps

  • Smoother user interface
  • Generally more interactive and responsive
  • More functional when an app requires users to interact with various types of content
  • Better for apps that are used daily
  • Seamlessly utilizes a device’s system resources (GPS, Camera, etc.)
  • Functions offline
  • Higher security standards

Disadvantages of mobile apps

  • Subject to approval by the App Store
  • In some cases, can be more costly to develop/maintain for compatibility with different operating systems
  • More difficult to reach new users as an app download is required

Advantages of web apps

  • Easier to reach/acquire new users as an app does not need to be downloaded or installed
  • Generally less costly to maintain
  • Users always experience the latest version of the app when reaching your app’s URL
  • App Store approval is not required, allowing for faster launches/updates
  • Similar user experience across devices
  • Better for apps that are intended to be used sparingly

Disadvantages of web apps

  • The user interface is generally less interactive
  • Cannot function offline
  • Sub-optimal user experience when accessing system resources (GPS, Camera, etc.)

Before investing in the creation of your mobile or web app, you’ll need to decide which type of app best suits your budget, requirements, goals, and time constraints.

We’re Here to Help

Now that you have a better understanding of mobile app vs web app, you’re one step closer to launching your new product. It’s not always a black-and-white decision, and we understand that. In fact, sometimes a hybrid approach may better suit your needs (especially if you’re intending to build a platform with multiple experiences, user types, etc.).

At M&S Consulting, we understand that turning your app idea into reality can be challenging. Whether you are looking to take the next step, ask questions, or just want a generation consultation, we’d love to help! Visit our website to learn more today.

