Fade Away Bunny; On Its Way To Public Sale

Time to Mint Your Bunnies!

Cha -
Manga Token
2 min readJan 8, 2022


Yes, you read it right! Fade Away Bunny has just taken the next big step forward, opening the Public Sale. Who wouldn’t love these kawaii bunnies?

The collection features 10,000 unique designs generated from 90 skillfully crafted attributes, making it possible to create 200,000 randomly, auto-generated designs.

This was inspired from the original Fade Away Bunny Manga series made by an exceptionally talented artist, Shiori Kawana. It was first published in the LINE Manga app in Japan and has been Rank#1 for a long time in dark side/underground genre in LINE Manga Indies category. It subsequently made its way to the rest of the world through Kindle, comiXology, Manga Planet and INKR.

Every bunny avatar comes as a 2500 x 2500 image available for you to download. Fade Away Bunny is also available on Opensea. Each bunny is a non-fungible NFT on an ERC 721 contract on the Ethereum main net.

Fade Away Bunny Collection on Opensea

Contract Address: https://etherscan.io/address/0xb49b0a61725a69f36f06c394720dea462e797fb4

To get a bunny, you will need to participate in a ROLL. A ROLL is a process to churn your randomly generated bunny. Each ROLL in our Public Sale costs 0.08 ETH each.

Mint your bunny here: https://mint.fadeawaybunny.com/

Strengthening the Manga Token project will benefit all its sub-projects in the long haul including Fade Away Bunny. The project gave a long-term commitment and will be committing a portion of its FAB proceeds to build up a Floor Price Fund. A Floor Price Fund is the price at which the fund will buy back $MANGA from the open market to burn. This is activated when the open market price falls below or reaches the floor price.

The project is getting close to Phase 2 which focuses on Staking. Later will be the Phase 3 of the project which includes Breeding’. There are other initiatives such as $PILL — $MANGA Listing, Bunny Airdrop, Guilds, and more. Details in particular would be announced as we move forward to the next phases of the project. If you want to learn more about the project while it’s in the early stages, then you should definitely visit Fade Away Bunny Website. Daily updates are also available on Twitter and Discord!

Disclaimer: This article was provided “as is” without the intention to provide any investment advice. This article is intended for informational purposes only. Be diligent and always do your own research.

