How to transfer USDT from Ethereum Blockchain to Binance Smart Chain

Manga Token
Published in
3 min readAug 24, 2021

This article will guide you on how to easily and quickly swap around your USDT from Ethereum Chain to the Binance Smart Chain. This is not the only way that you can swap assets in the blockchain industry, but this process is pretty simple and easy to understand.
Now let’s get into it.

  1. Have your Metamask account ready and log in to your account.
    Metamask is where your assets will be stored. This is one of the most widely used crypto wallets, and it is supported by most bridges and exchanges.

2. Always make sure you have sufficient funds in your account and keep in mind that you will need some extra ETH or BNB to pay for gas fees.

3. In order to transfer funds to the Binance Smart Chain, you will need to have a cross-chain bridge and here we are going to use Binance Bridge. Feel free to choose any other cross-chain bridge of your choice too.

4. Connect your Metamask wallet to Binance Bridge.

5. Next up you need to select the chain you want to move the assets to. In this case, we will move USDT from Ethereum Chain to Binance Smart Chain.

6. Select the amount of funds you wish to transfer. (On this one, 110 USDT is the minimum amount for transfer).

7. Once you’ve selected all of the above, you are ready to start moving your USDT. Confirm the transaction, and follow the next steps.

8. After you’ve confirmed the transaction, your assets will be moved to a temporary wallet address where they will be mapped.

9. Once your assets are mapped, they will be transferred to your private Binance Smart Chain wallet.

Transfer will take up to 10 minutes.

Using these simple steps, you can easily transfer funds across chains, thanks to the services of a cross-chain bridge.

