MangaFi: Changing How Manga Fans and Blockchain Come Together

Manga Token
Published in
3 min readSep 14, 2023

The world of manga, those captivating Japanese comic books and graphic novels, has been enchanting people worldwide for years with its exciting stories, interesting characters, and colourful worlds. While manga fans have always been a big part of making manga popular, a new and exciting platform called MangaFi is emerging to give these fans even more power and bring manga and blockchain technology closer together. In simple terms, MangaFi is a special way to use digital currencies and technology to support manga while also giving fans a chance to make money.

What Is MangaFi All About?

MangaFi isn’t just another digital currency platform; it’s a clever idea that connects the world of manga with a new technology called the blockchain. At its heart, MangaFi is creating a system where digital coins and special digital items called NFTs have real things backing them up, like money in a bank. This is a big deal because it changes how fans get involved with their favourite manga. On MangaFi, you can make money from your digital coins, earn rewards, and enjoy new features that make reading manga even more fun.

Meet HONO: The Key to MangaFi

At the core of MangaFi is something called HONO, a special digital coin. What’s interesting about HONO is its value increases over time, even when the economy is not doing well. It’s like having a digital coin that gets more valuable each year, and this is because it’s connected to something called the HONO Vault, which is the main way people use HONO. Every time someone uses HONO, the HONO Vault grows, making HONO more valuable.

Making Real Money

MangaFi doesn’t just exist for fun; it’s also a way for people to make real money. There are a few different ways this happens:

HONO Arbitrage: MangaFi takes advantage of price differences in the market to make money when people buy or sell HONO.

Uniswap v3 Trading Fees: The fees from buying and selling HONO on a Uniswap platform are shared with the MangaFi community, helping it grow.

Uniswap v3 Fees from Liquidity Engine: MangaFi collects fees from the Uniswap platform, giving it a source of income different from traditional money systems.

Helping Manga Fans

MangaFi has big goals to make manga fans happy. It believes in giving fans power, ensuring things have real value, working together with fans, being innovative, keeping things safe, and forming partnerships. By giving fans more control, ensuring things have real value, and encouraging teamwork, MangaFi wants to improve the manga experience for both fans and creators.

How It All Grows

The way MangaFi grows is a bit complicated, but something called xHONO plays a big part. xHONO lets people have a say in how things happen on MangaFi, and it rewards them for participating and helping the platform grow.

Fan Coins: Adding More Fun and Value

MangaFi has special coins just for fans. These coins get more valuable over time and let fans share in the money that MangaFi makes. They also help make HONO more valuable, which is good for fans and their wallets.

MangaFi: A New Way to Enjoy Manga and Digital Money

MangaFi is doing something different by bringing manga and digital money together. It lets fans invest, participate, and support their favourite manga using special digital money tied to real things. As MangaFi keeps coming up with new ideas and growing, it could change how manga and digital money work together, giving fans more chances to have fun and make money.

