How The Humble Mango Tree Became The Source of The Buddha’s Awakening.

Kerry Jane Rider
Mango Mindfulness:
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3 min readMay 29, 2021


please read to the end for heartfelt thanks and an Invitation….

Photo by @huanshi on Unsplash

“The Buddha who, in a previous life, was King Mahājanaka didn’t need to study very much. All he had to do was observe a mango tree.

One day, while visiting a park with his retinue of ministers, from atop his elephant, he spied some mango trees heavily laden with ripe fruit. Not being able to stop at that time, he determined in his mind to return later to partake of some. Little did he know, however, that his ministers, coming along behind, would greedily gather them all up; that they would use poles to knock them down, beating and breaking the branches and tearing and scattering the leaves.

Returning in the evening to the mango grove, the king, already imagining in his mind the delicious taste of the mangoes, suddenly discovered that they were all gone, completely finished! And not only that, but the branches and leaves had been thoroughly thrashed and scattered. The king, quite disappointed and upset, then noticed another mango tree nearby with its leaves and branches still intact. He wondered why. He then realized it was because that tree had no fruit.

If a tree has no fruit nobody disturbs it and so its leaves and branches are not damaged. This lesson kept him absorbed in thought all the way back to the palace:

‘It is unpleasant, troublesome and difficult to be a king. It requires constant concern for all his subjects. What if there are attempts to attack, plunder and seize parts of his kingdom?’

He could not rest peacefully; even in his sleep he was disturbed by dreams. He saw in his mind, once again, the mango tree without fruit and its undamaged leaves and branches. ‘If we become similar to that mango tree,’ he thought, ‘our “leaves” and “branches” too, would not be damaged.’

In his chamber he sat and meditated. Finally, he decided to ordain as a monk, having been inspired by this lesson of the mango tree. He compared himself to that mango tree and concluded that if one didn’t become involved in the ways of the world, one would be truly independent, free from worries or difficulties. The mind would be untroubled. Reflecting thus, he ordained.

From then on, wherever he went, when asked who his teacher was, he would answer, ‘a mango tree.’ He didn’t need to receive much teaching. A mango tree was the cause of his Awakening.

Taken from: ‘Dhamma Nature’ — The Collected Teachings of Ajahn Chah published by Aruna Publications, 2011. Copyright © WAT PAH NANACHAT

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Ajahn Chah inspires me every day “to provide an opportunity for all to practice Dhamma and experience for themselves the wisdom which leads to a life lived in peace and harmony.”

  • If you are also called to write about the Dharma/ Dhamma or share helpful teachings I would like to invite you to submit your work.

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Kerry Jane Rider
Mango Mindfulness:

Writer, published Author of poetry, fiction, non-fiction and Dhamma teachings, Editor of ‘Mango Mindfulness’ and ‘…BE who you really are ❧’ Medium publications