The Way Out of Suffering.

Kerry Jane Rider
Mango Mindfulness:
Published in
3 min readJun 7, 2021


how the practice of mindfulness can stop us spinning around in samsara and achieve wisdom, peace and harmony…

Photo by Lesly Juarez on Unsplash

All Dharma talks and teachings have one aim — to show us the way out of suffering - to give us enough right understanding to arrive at the peace we desire.

Fundamental teachings point out the two extremes — indulgence in pleasure and indulgence in pain — which we tend to dwell within. These are the paths which keep us trapped in samsara or cyclic existence ie. the world as we know it.

The Middle Way of the Dharma is right practice, the Middle Way of the mind — not of the body or speech. Mental impressions which we don’t like arise, affect the mind and cause confusion, shaking up the mind and resulting in anger, frustration and suffering. If we like the mental impression we indulge in happiness. Neither is the right way. Neither is real or lasting.

Happiness is simply suffering refined, it’s all suffering at different levels. If you’re happy beware because suffering is imminent. Although it might sound depressing if you check up you’ll agree that’s just the way it is. We have to accept it, get over it and keep working to ensure that we develop and maintain equanimity to both these extremes. By not reacting and limiting the amount we allow external things to bother us we can move towards attaining a new level of…



Kerry Jane Rider
Mango Mindfulness:

Writer, published Author of poetry, fiction, non-fiction and Dhamma teachings, Editor of ‘Mango Mindfulness’ and ‘…BE who you really are ❧’ Medium publications