How To Get Your Ex Back After A Breakup; Should You Break No Contact On Valentine’s Day?

Shana Jahsinta Walters
Manifesting Desires
8 min readFeb 13, 2020

I don’t care if you have to walk on hot coal in order to stop yourself, please don’t do it.

Photo by zelle duda on Unsplash


It’s a bad idea. Especially if your ex will not be in a receptive mood to hear from you. No matter how you feel about him or her, don’t reach out to your ex on Valentine’s Day. Or even anything around that day. Anything you do out of desperation, neediness and fear just to win the heart of your ex back, will not net you the results that you are seeking.

When in doubt, it’s best to do nothing at all. At least by doing nothing, you won’t run the risk of making a complete fool of yourself in front of your ex. And that right there is definitely the last thing that you need in order to get back together with your ex.

Why Is It Such A Bad Idea To Break No Contact On Valentine’s Day?

What is Valentine’s Day essentially? It is a day for lovers to celebrate the wonder of the love they share with each other. If you and your significant other have already broken up, then you both are disqualified from celebrating this day together. LOL!!!

Since you are practicing no contact, never use the holidays or birthdays as your excuse for breaking it.

Often times when people break no contact by reaching out to their exes, it never results in anything good. And then they have to start the count all over again on the calendar. Do yourself a favor and don’t break it just because Valentine’s Day is around the corner.

I have seen questions online that have so many people practicing no contact confused. Therefore I am going to tackle them one by one and hopefully provide you with some insight to help you make a better decision. A decision that you won’t regret later.

Can I Ask My Ex If He Or She Still Loves Me On Valentine’s Day?

We all love to be feel loved by another person. Life is so grand knowing that someone out there knows how special we are.

However asking your ex such a question is a bad move. I know it is important to you to know the answer to this question. But asking this on Valentine’s Day is probably the worse time to do this.

If your ex is very irritated with you currently, you are only going to make him or her feel more annoyed by your presence. What is supposed to be a special day might just turn bitter and sour because you can’t resist the urge to ask this question.

Can I Buy Him Or Her A Valentine’s Day Gift?

You might have already convinced yourself that there is no harm in buying your ex a Valentine’s Day gift just as a little reminder that you still have feelings for him or her. On your end, it might be a harmless little gesture. Your ex however might feel the opposite of this display of affection.

It’s hard for me to know how you two broke up on my end, but if you cheated on your ex, this might come off as you trying to buy back their affection so you can avoid any consequences to your past actions.

And depending on how mad your ex is with you right now, that gift most likely will end up in the trash. It is a waste of money. It’s best to wait until you both are back on good terms first to buy gifts.

Can I Ask Him Or Her Out On A Date For Valentine’s Day?

Unless you both are on good speaking terms presently and have had at least one date before now, then don’t even think about doing this.

Even if your ex is going to spend a miserable time home alone on Valentine’s Day, he or she might much prefer doing that than have to sit across a table from you eating a meal.

If your ex contacts you first with no prodding on your end and asks for the date, by all means, go out and have the time of your life.

Can I Ask Him Or Her If They Already Have A Date With Someone Else For Valentine’s Day?

Why do you need to know this? That is my question to you. How is knowing this going to make you feel? Is it going to make you feel better or worse?

Your ex is a free agent right now. This means that he or she is free to date anyone that they want to date. You don’t have a say in this situation as you are no longer a couple.

Finding out that your ex is going out on a date is only going to make you feel powerless cause there is nothing you can do to stop this from happening. And you definitely should avoid begging your ex not to date anyone else. You have no right to interfere in your ex’s personal life. Leave well alone.

Can I Go Out On A Date With Someone Else On Valentine’s Day Just To Make My Ex Jealous?

That is a big fat NO. Would you like someone else to use you just to make their ex jealous? If you don’t want someone doing this to you, then don’t do this to an innocent person.

If your ex happens to see you out on a date, he or she might just be happy to know that you are finally moving forward with your life. Him or her seeing you with another person might have the opposite effect of what you are trying to achieve.

How Can I Prevent My Ex From Dating Someone Else On Valentine’s Day?

I do hope that you are old enough to know that it is wrong to stand in the way of other people’s happiness just for your own personal gain.

As stated already, your ex has the right to date now that he or she is single. You can’t step between two people just because you love one of them. If you really love your ex half as much as you think you do, then you should want your ex to be happy even if that person he or she is happy with is no longer you.

How Will You Feel If Your Ex Ghosted You After Your Valentine’s Day Date?

I know some of you are still determined to this regardless of what I say.

Okay let’s pretend for a minute that you do break no contact and reach out to your ex and ask for a Valentine’s Day date. He or she accepts and the date is surprisingly better than you expected it to be.

You two were talking and laughing and having fun like when you first fell in love. It is so obvious that you both are awesome together than apart.

The next day rolls around and you discover that your ex has blocked your number and on social media as well. How will that make you feel? I bet it will make you regret breaking no contact and getting your hopes up again just because you had one decent meal together?

How To Practice No Contact Effectively?

Think of yourself as being in witness protection and you are cut off from the outside world meaning your ex. No contact means that you do not contact your ex no matter what. You can’t let your mind fool you into believing that Valentine’s Day is a good time to reach out to him or her. It is not.

Does The No Contact Rule Always Work?

Yes it does. But sometimes, people are real slow to drag their feet sometimes. Your ex is not going to automatically reach out to you just because by your count it has already been 30 days on the calendar since you last spoke to each other.

I have an ex-boyfriend who took 9 years to finally reach out to me. We were living in different countries all this time. And even though he professed to miss me with all his heart and soul, or so he claimed, it still took him all those years to finally get in contact with me.

Your ex is going to move according to his time schedule and not yours.

Why Is It Taking So Long For My Ex To Miss Me And Reach Out To Me?

There could be a hundred different reasons for this. And really none of the matter anyway. Your attention is on the wrong thing. All you should be doing during no contact is live your life to the fullest. When you are doing this, you don’t have time to watch the calendar or wonder how much more time is it going to take for you to hear from your ex.

Why The 30 Day No Contact Rule Is Total Bullshit?

Absence makes the heart grow fonder. You have heard this phrase many times. Sorry to tell you this, that most exes are not going to start missing at the 30 day mark. It takes more time than that. It is crazy that there ae gurus out here wrongly advising their clients to reach out to their ex at the 21 or 30 day mark.

Your ex is a human being, not a robot. He or she has their own life and worries to content with. Your ex might not even notice for a whole ass 6 months that thy can’t tell the last time they have seen you or heard from you. And realize that they miss so much that they just can’t help but pick a phone to hear your voice.

I know of one sad tale of a woman reaching out to her ex-boyfriend after 8 months because her patience was running thin. He on the other hand did not receive her thoughtful intention with love but with annoyance. He was pissed out that she reached out to him. This sent her into a downward spiral and declared that he no longer loved her.

Don’t let this become on you on Valentine’s Day.

Your ex can’t have the opportunity to miss you if you are constantly bombarding him with text messages, dm’s and phone calls. And everytime you break no contact, you will have to start all over again.

Why You Should NEVER Break No Contact?

This video below is the perfect example of why it is best to wait until your ex is ready to talk to you and reaches out to you on his or her own time than to force or trick him or her into it.

Should You Trick Your Ex Into Contacting You?

What Is The Best Way To Get Your Ex Back?

I have already written a detailed blog post about How You Can Use Scripting To Manifest A Specific Ex-Boyfriend Back Into Your Life?

Happy Valentine’s Day to one and all.
And please don’t go breaking no contact for this or any other holiday.



Shana Jahsinta Walters
Manifesting Desires

My book - — How Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest A Specific Person