How To Manifest Money Effortlessly Using The Law Of Attraction.

Shana Jahsinta Walters
Manifesting Desires
2 min readMar 28, 2020

Manifesting Money March 30 Day Challenge Part 28.

Photo by Micheile Henderson on Unsplash

Welcome to Manifest Money in March 30 Day Challenge. I am creating this challenge for the sole purpose of helping you and myself to manifest whatever amount of money we want this month. Of course you can carry on this challenge for the rest of the year as well.

Step 28.

28. Affirmation Questions.

I learn this technique from Christie Marie Sheldon. You are going to do an affirmation but in the form of a question. The one I like is this. “Money I love you, what would it take for you to come into my life?”

It is that easy. If you want to manifest an extra $1,000 this month, then you can structure your affirmation question like this. “What would it take for me to earn an extra $1,000 before the end of March?”

Now all you have to do is pay special attention for when the answer arrives to you. Your intuition will be the thing that guides you to the answer. Have fun testing this out.

Come back tomorrow for part 29 of this manifesting money challenge. Remember we are both in this together.


Right now my books are on a $0.99cents March Madness sale.

1. How To Attract Your Sweetheart In Time For The Holidays? How You Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest A Special, Specific Person; Manifesting Romantic Love (Dating And Relationship Advice For Women Only) —



Shana Jahsinta Walters
Manifesting Desires

My book - — How Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest A Specific Person