How To Manifest Money Effortlessly Using The Law Of Attraction.

Shana Jahsinta Walters
Manifesting Desires
3 min readMar 16, 2020

Manifesting Money March 30 Day Challenge Part 15.

Photo by Icons8 Team on Unsplash

Welcome to Manifest Money in March 30 Day Challenge. I am creating this challenge for the sole purpose of helping you and myself to manifest whatever amount of money we want this month. Of course you can carry on this challenge for the rest of the year as well.

Step 15.

15. Do the law of attraction 5X55 method.

What Is The Law Of Attraction 5X55 Manifesting Technique?

This method is a combination of scripting and affirmations. All you are going to do over the next 5 days is pick one affirmation that you are going to use to help you manifest one desire. Then you are going to write or script that affirmation 55 times each day for the next 5 days.

You can even go in the opposite direction of writing your affirmation 5 times over a period of 55 days. Only most of you might find that timeframe hella long especially if you want to manifest something really quick. Well the 5X55 method can help you do that.

How To Pick A Good Affirmation For The Law Of Attraction 5X55 Manifesting Technique?

We have already addressed what affirmations are. No need to get into that here again.

Since this challenge is to help you manifest money, we are going to pick a money affirmation. It is not necessary for the affirmation to contain the amount of money you are manifesting for this challenge. Five tips for picking a good affirmation are;

1. Be absolutely clear.
2. Keep it short.
3. Keep it simple so you can remember it easily.
4. Pick an affirmation that excites you.
5. Make it believable to you.

Examples Of Affirmations To Use For The Law Of Attraction 5X55 Manifesting Technique.

1. I love money.
2. Money loves me.
3. Money is my bitch. (This one really excites me the most.)
4. I am a money magnet.
5. Money comes to me easily.

Also ensure that you write your affirmation in one sitting. That way you won’t forget later to do it. But most importantly, have fun while you are writing your affirmation. That is the energy that will help you to manifest faster.

Come back tomorrow for part 16 of this manifesting money challenge. Remember we are both in this together.


Right now my books are on a $0.99cents March Madness sale.

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Shana Jahsinta Walters
Manifesting Desires

My book - — How Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest A Specific Person