I Got A Psychic Reading Done With Keen.com And This Is What Happened …

Shana Jahsinta Walters
Manifesting Desires
6 min readJan 3, 2020

I know there are real psychics out there, but so far I haven’t found one.

Photo by Jonathan Sebastiao on Unsplash

Are There Any REAL Psychics On Keen.com?

I have no idea. But from watching two videos from The Love Gal on YouTube, I decided to use her code to receive a 10 minute psychic reading for $1.99. I do think this is an ongoing special.

My issue stems from money or a lack thereof to be more correct. I choose K as my psychic. I am changing the name so I don’t get sued by anybody. The conversation is below. I choose a chat instead of a phone call since that was easiest for me.

Psychic Chat Conversation.

In between the conversation I have a few things to say that I will highlight.

Start Of Chat.

K; Hello

Me; Hello.

K; How may I help you?

Me; How do we get started?
This is my first time.

K; May I have your name, job and question?

Me; I am blocked when it comes to money.
My name is Shana.
My date of birth is 24, September, 1980.

K; What makes you feel you’re blocked?

This should have been my first red flag.

Me; What is blocking me from having money in my life?
I have no idea.
I’ve been trying to figure it out on my own for years.

K; I don’t feel you’re blocked. You have to work and learn to prioritize.

This is the part that blew my brains out.

Me; What?
I have to be.
Anything I have tried to do to make money, either brings in very little money or the opportunity disappears.
Take the past two years, all the opportunities to make money disappears for no reason. Something has to be in the way. This can’t just be my imagination.

K; Are you working a 9–5? It’s not in the cards for you to be self-employed, or start your own business ventures.

This is the part that blew my brains out again. As if the first time wasn’t bad enough.

K; There’s nothing in the way, you need to get a full time job. No get rich schemes or gimmicks.

She must be thinking about pyramid schemes. Or just being plain old judgmental.

Me; I am a Live-in Caregiver. This job sucks almost all my time. How come it is not in the cards for me to be self-employed? I am not looking a get rich quick scheme. I love writing. I’ve been trying to use that talent to make money online.

K; Your calling isn’t writing. Yes, you’re very talented, but you won’t make a lot of money doing just that. If you want to be financially stable, you’ll have to get a job and be self-sufficient.

It is very weird she is telling me this considering what she is doing to make money online. Giving people psychic readings couldn’t this also be considered a get rich quick scheme too? Don’t throw stones K when you live in a glass house.

Me; What kind of job do you suggest?

K; I can’t make that decision. Only you know what you’re tolerant of doing. Right now, any job will do, to pull in money.

What? I thought she was the psychic. I was expecting she could at least point me in the right direction. She clearly stated that writing was not my calling. So how come she is unable to tell me what really is? Sounds fishy to me.

Me; I already have a job as a Live-in Caretaker. I have pretty much no free time to do anything else.

K; That’s not going to pay you much of anything. Maybe look into switching jobs, but you’re definitely not blocked from money.

End Of Chat.

The 10 minutes ran out rather quickly because she was taking forever to respond to my questions. And to get another 10 minute conversation, was going to cost $60.00 bucks more. I wasn’t going to waste more money for nothing.

My Background.

Just a little background about myself. I was unemployed for like 7–8 years. It took me a year and a half of vigorous job hunting to find my current job. I sent out probably close to 150 resumes all over the place. I even looked into overseas jobs as well. My job pays when converted to US dollars around $445 per month. As you can see, it is really not that much.

Thinking back on my younger years, I was great at manifesting money. But somewhere in my teen years it stopped. I know something is in the way. Since I have not been able to find it out on my own, I figured talking to an outside source would give me some kind of understanding about my situation.

That reading didn’t help. If I am not blocked, then my batteries are definitely not turned in the right direction. Nothing is moving for me no matter how much I do and don’t do.

Why Waste Your Time Talking To A Psychic?

I needed answers as to why things are just not working out for me no matter how hard I try to make them work. I got no answers from K. Unless she was deliberately holding back the truth until after I coughed up the $60 bucks.

As I mentioned previously, I have had opportunities come up that will bring in the cash, but oddly enough the opportunities tends to dry up faster than it came to me. And most times, the people who wanted me to do some kind of freelance work for them, never gives me an explanation as to why they no longer want to hire me even when I do a follow up e-mail to find out what the reason is. They just ghost me with no explanation.

Since no one on the other side of the e-mails responds back to me, it is hard for me to guess what the problem is. And since this has happened so many times, I wish someone would truly tell me what the problem is. I’ve been busting my head trying to figure it out with no answer in sight.

This pattern was so repetitive in my life for nearly three years, I thought talking to a psychic could give me some answers. As you can see I got nothing from K.

Is It The Psychic’s Fault?

Not at all. I am not blaming her which is why I am withholding her name. I looked at her reviews on Keen.com and a lot of them have been pretty positive. What a shame I can’t leave her a positive review too.

How Are You Going To Get The Answers You Are Seeking?

I have to say a prayer on it and let God know how serious I am about getting the answers as to why I am so blocked when it comes to certain aspects of my life.

And yes I have spoken to a few other people who could not offer me any help either. This is why I’ve been mostly leaning and depending on myself to figure this one. Right now, all I can do is just let it go and look out for when the answer presents itself to me in the future.

Do You Still Believe Psychics Are Real?

Most definitely. Call me a daydreamer if you want to, I don’t care. There are people out in the world who have this special gift that science can’t explain. It is just a pity I don’t live next door to one of them.

Would I Recommend Keen.com?

Not from the experience that I have had. But that doesn’t mean other people can’t give them a try. The Love Gal keeps boasting about the results she is getting. Hopefully she is not lying and misleading people just to earn affiliate commissions cause I actually do enjoy watching her videos on YouTube. However I don’t like when people mislead others just for profits.

If you decide to give Keen.com a test run, hopefully you won’t get connected to K. LOL!!!



Shana Jahsinta Walters
Manifesting Desires

My book - https://amzn.to/38gIyyO — How Can Use The Law Of Attraction To Manifest A Specific Person