Vector Tree by Dragon Art

The True Religio

Thesis, Antithesis and Synthesis in Human Evolution


Page Contents

The Inner Selves
The Inner Child
The Inner Adult
The Inner Parent
The Inner Dialogue
Multidimensionality of the Psyche
Function of the Ego


For a new natural order to emerge, it is essential that we relearn the true religio, which is the backlink to our true self, or selves. For this to happen, we need to get in touch with inside, and begin to dialogue with our inner selves, on a daily basis. This is what all native peoples do, when they are in trance, during festivities, or religious gatherings, or when they practice healing or self-healing through shamanic rituals.

All what happens in the world happens first of all inside of us, within our own inner landscape. That is why it is so tremendously important to begin all spiritual quest, and all journeying toward truth inside, in a state of quiet introspection. This knowledge is part of perennial philosophy.

Eric Berne, when creating Transactional Analysis (TA) in the 1950s, was not coming up with a novelty but with a scheme that mapped insights that the more wistful part of humanity had fostered since the beginnings of written history. As such, Eric Berne did a very important integrative work that has served healing and understanding of psychic processes, but that until this day never found its way to the rather reductionist minds of the populace at large. However, this deep ignorance may well be not a lack of insight or learning, but the result of systematic manipulation and suppression of intuitive knowledge through the school system in all dominator cultures.

Our inner selves are energies in our psyche that form part of our total and integral wholeness. In the ideal case, they should be balanced and in harmony with each other.

This means that all inner selves should work as a sort of inner team. It is essential that all members of this inner team are fully awake and communicate with each other. In most people’s psyches, however, it is as with that old mystic painting that depicts the inner child as a little angel who is somnolent or asleep. The worst condition of the inner child is the cataleptic inner child, the inner child that is deeply unconscious of its existence.

The Inner Selves

Eric Berne recognized three essential inner selves, Inner Child, Inner Parent and Inner Adult. In my own research and work with the inner dialogue during an Erickson hypnotherapy, I encountered the presence of additional entities such as the Inner Controller or Inner Critic as the instance in the psyche that represents the societal, cultural and moral values that we have internalized through education and conditioning. If the inner controller is hypertrophied and dominates the psyche, we are unable to realize our love desires.

In addition to these inner selves, I encountered an entity of superior wisdom that I called Lux (light) and a shadow entity I called Sad King and which embodied repressed pedoemotions that had turned into sadistic drives.

The Inner Child

The inner child is an inner self, part-personality, or psychic energy, created between our 7th and 14th year of life, and that is part of our inner triangle. Positively, the inner child energy is primarily emotional and wistful, predominantly creative. It is the motor of every human being’s creativity. Negatively, the inner child can be mute or cataleptic which means that its energy cannot manifest, or else its energy is turned upside-down which makes an inner child that is rebellious, capricious, willful or overbearing.

As I show in my audio book Walter’s Inner Child Coaching, the inner child as a concept is related to the Unihipili of the Kahunas, and it is thus the primary vital force in our organism.

—See Walter’s Inner Child Coaching: A Guide for Your Inner Journey (Series Training and Consulting, Vol. 3), 2015, published on Scribd.

The Inner Adult

The inner adult is an inner self, part-personality or psychic energy that represents our logical thinking, our reason, our maturity. Positively, it makes for our balanced decisions, our down-to-earth attitudes and our sense for daily responsibilities. Negatively, the inner adult manifests as the intellectual nerd or through emotional frigidity, cynicism or an obsession to measure human relations on a scale of reasonableness or straightness without considering the emotional dimension. The hypertrophied inner adult energy plays a major role in modern education where it results in devastating damage on the next generations’ emotional integrity.

The Inner Parent

The inner parent is an inner self, part-personality or psychic energy that represents our inner value standards, our moral attitudes, our caring for self and others, but negatively also our judging others, our I-know-better attitude or blunt interference into the lives of others without regard for their self-reliance and privacy. The hypertrophied inner parent energy plays a dominant role in tyrannical and persecutory societal, religious and political systems.

The Inner Dialogue

The inner dialogue is a technique conducive to getting in touch with our inner selves through relaxation or self-hypnosis and subsequent dialogues with one or several of our inner selves, in a state of light trance. This state of light trance can be self-induced, a technique that I demonstrate and explain in detail in my book on Inner Child Coaching.

The inner dialogue should ideally be fixed on paper, at least in the beginning, because the voices that come up are very soft and writing down the dialogues helps to keep focus. The technique is also called Voice Dialogue, for example by Stone & Stone, in their Voice Dialogue Manual.

—Hal and Sidra Stone, Embracing Ourselves: The Voice Dialogue Manual (1989).

However, the expression could mislead novice users as the ‘voices’ are not really voices, as they are not to be heard with our ears, but something like intuitions, or flashes of intuition, or sudden precisely formulated thoughts that seem to come ‘from nowhere.’

Multidimensionality of the Psyche

In the last chapter of Inner Child Coaching (2015) I explain what has been something like a final conclusion in my work with the inner dialogue. I came to the insight that every healthy psyche is composed of a multitude of energies or entities, and that it is through our ego that these entities are working under a certain roof structure of conscious control. Otherwise, if this ego, for whatever reason, disappears, we enter the realm of psychosis or schizophrenia, which can be, as in psychedelic trips, a welcome temporary condition, or a long-lasting psychosomatic illness.

Function of the Ego

The function of the ego is not to dominate any of our inner entities, but to orchestrate them, to direct them in a team-like cooperation, such as for example the conductor of an orchestra leads more than one hundred musicians to play in sync in order to reproduce a musical score with accurate precision and harmonious sound.

This is the function of the healthy ego within the multidimensional psyche. Needless to add that with most people the ego and the inner controller are hypertrophied and dominate if not suppress all the other inner entities which is the explanation for why such a high percentage of the world’s population is completely uncreative, dull and imitative in their behavior, and why they use only about five to eight percent of their emotional and creative intelligence potential.

