Coming out of the fold: Announcing our $15m Series A

Published in
2 min readSep 21, 2017

Today we are announcing our $15m Series A financing, lead by OMERS Ventures and with the participation from BoldStart, Leaders Fund, Version One, Build Ventures, Amplify Partners as well as Alex Bard, Daniel Debow, Matt Wyndowe, Ameet Patel, Jonas Brandon and Gavin Uhma.

At Manifold, our goal is to give developers the freedom to use their favorite services on any cloud.

We believe you (and your team) should be able to explore a vibrant ecosystem of services, any of which you can add to your application with one click or command. We believe in a future without walls.

A developer’s toolbox shouldn’t be defined by their choice of monocloud.

Companies like Mailgun, LogDNA, Scout, Redisgreen and others are delivering a new class of services that provide better documentation, better support and a product velocity that means critical parts of your applications and infrastructure are constantly evolving.

With the rise of serverless and Functions as a Service, this trend is only accelerating. In the enterprise, developer choice is becoming as important as multi-cloud.

When you choose these services via Manifold, you get a single place to manage accounts, configuration and provisioning all while getting a single itemized bill at the end of the month.

No more wondering who has access to which service, or which credit card is paying which bill.

With our 1.0 release you and your team can find, buy and manage all of the services you need to create your next great app. We will be rapidly adding the services our users have requested in the coming months, services like Graphcool and IOpipe.

With the preview of our CLI, you can much more easily integrate those services in to your CI/CD environment or other workflow.

We hope you will sign up and try some of the amazing services on Manifold today.

