$ manifold add — human Gary

Gary Poster


👋 My name is…

Gary Poster (Rhymes with “roster” + “Foster”)

💻 My job at Manifold is…

Lead engineering

💰 I’m going to donate $200 to

Girl Develop It

🎤 My go to karaoke song is…

Um. “Night and Day” by Cole Porter?

🙌 The best advice I’ve ever received was…

Integrate compassion both for yourself and for others. Don’t neglect either side, or try to separate them.

👩‍💻 🌎 👨‍💻 I work from…

home 🏠 in Raleigh, NC, USA

🌱☀️🍂 ❄️ My favorite season is…

Spring! Except there’s so much pollen around here sometimes that it looks like everything has been spray-painted yellow.

📚 My favorite quote from a book is…

“Remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” from Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird. I read that book with my mom when I was growing up, and it’s always touched me.

🍕 My favorite pizza topping is…

I’m a fan of Canadian bacon + fresh garlic + tomato slices. If I can only choose one, though, I guess it’s pepperoni.

⏳ If I could time travel I would go to…

Assuming I could come back, parts of the 1920’s are cool! Otherwise, through, I’m already time-traveling into the future every second, and I wouldn’t miss it. I want to see what happens next. :)

🎨 Draw a self portrait



Gary Poster

Engineering leader at Kard Financial, family guy. Ex-Snyk, Ex-Manifold (acquired by Snyk), Ex-Heroku, ex-Canonical, ex-Zope, mostly ex-professional singer. 💜