$ manifold add — human Meg

Meg Smith
Published in
2 min readOct 20, 2017

👋 My name is…

Meg Smith

💻 My job at Manifold is…

hi, my role is…designer

💰 I’m going to donate $200 to

ladies learning code

🎲 If I could pick any game show to be on I’d pick…

8 out of 10 cats. v. hilarious British panel show no actual cats unfortunately!

✨ My favorite inspirational quote is…

what matters most is how well you walk through the fire. — Bukowski

🥛🚰 🥃 My favorite drink is…

Negroni or Old Fashioned

🖍️ If I was a crayon, the color I would be is…

Gem Malachite #469496 — A dark bluey- green (sparkley!)

🤐 My secret talent that no one knows about is…

Outside of design this is my next best talent

👩‍💻 🌎 👨‍💻 I work from…

Hamilton AKA the Hammer

📚 My favorite quote from a book is…

“Inside a circle of safety, when people trust and share their successes and failures, what they know and what they don’t know, the result is innovation. It’s just natural.” — Simon Sinek, Leaders eat last (current fave)

🎨 Draw a self-portrait

Hunch of deep focus, 4th cup of coffee, cat-scratched pants after the cat decided “that’s enough affection.”



Meg Smith

Staff Product Designer at Shopify. Previously: Manifold. I enjoy playing music, building things, growing things, cooking things, and drawing things.