$ manifold add — human Robert

Robert T
Published in
2 min readNov 24, 2017

👋 My name is…

Robert Thomas… but people call me on the phone

💻 My job at manifold is…

Co-op Software Developer

💰 I’m going to donate $200 to

Volta Labs

👩‍💻 🌎 👨‍💻 I work from…

The Halifax Office

💃 My favorite emoji is…


🤔 If I could bring one fictional character to life I would pick…

Superman, because he is just so nice

🍦 My favorite dessert is…

Peanut butter pie

📺 The TV show I am currently watching is…

The Mist

⛵If I had a boat I would name it…

Harbour Master

🖖 Between star wars and star trek I’m on team

StarTrek because talking things out seemed like the best solution

🎨 Draw a self portrait

