$ manifold add — human Sam

Sam Slotsky
Published in
2 min readMay 17, 2018

👋 My name is…


💻 My job at manifold is…

Lead front-end engineer

⌨️ In the tabs vs spaces debate I’m on the side of…

Spaces, obv

💰 I’m going to donate $200 to

Babel. Been carrying that weight.

⏳ If I could time travel I would go to…

find the truth

🙌 The best advice I’ve ever received was…

People in a hurry tend to learn really slow…

📺 The TV show I am currently watching is…

all too often just garbage

😠 My pet peeve is…

rushing, Just slow down, my friend

🤔 If I could bring one fictional character to life I would pick…

NO. It would be an abomination!

👩‍💻 🌎 👨‍💻 I work from…

My basement, just outside Minneapolis. #remote4life !!

🎨 Draw a self portrait



Sam Slotsky

I make sawtooth waves and glue stuff together.