Manifold Newsletter — April 5, 2018

Published in
3 min readApr 5, 2018


This week we have a ton of content for you. Drew has a great post that will keep you avoiding cloud lock-in. Tim explains how to manage your variables and secrets, and how to get them into your docker builds. Nick Zadrozny from Bonsai has a great post on designing search experiences. Norman Hsieh from LogDNA dives into Kubernetes logging. David Smooke interviews Manifold’s very first partner John Willman from JawsDB.

Cloud-jumping: swap hosted services easily with Manifold

In most instances, it’s easiest to buy into one cloud ecosystem so you have fewer things to manage. But when prices of a service increase, the platform changes, or you need to add an outside service to the mix, how do you handle switching one service from your vendor-locked cloud, let alone several?

Drew shows you how to take back full control of your cloud services in one afternoon.

Arguments and variables in Docker

Tim wrote this for people that wonder “How do I get my variables into Dockers build process?“, “How do I get my secrets to the running application in my Docker container?“, or are just genuinely curious about how everything Docker fits together. If so, this article just might be what you’re looking for.

A Hierarchy of Search

Customers often ask Nick, the founder of Bonsai, questions such as “How do I calculate my shard count?” or “What does it take to handle certain traffic loads”. Those are great questions, but just the beginning of where you should be thinking about search. In this article, Nick breaks down how to effectively scale Elastic Search using an interesting metaphor.

Nodes and pods and containers oh my…

Norman Hsieh of LogDNA digs into the fundamentals of Kubernetes logging. No matter which route you take to managing your Kubernetes cluster, one fundamental requirement is effective log analysis when things go upside down.

Behind the Scenes of a Database as a Service Provider

Check out David Smooke’s interview with JawsDB Founder & Owner John Willman. JawsDB is a fast, reliable, no-bullshark database as a service, and was our very first developer marketplace partner.

