Manifold Newsletter — March 22, 2018

Published in
2 min readMar 22, 2018

Hey there!

This week Jelmer wrote an amazing post that explains the how and the why of Manifold’s migration to Kubernetes, Meg also made some stunning images/gifs to go with it for all you visual learners out there. Nicole shares her journey of becoming the awesome developer she is today, but I’m not sure if it started with a clarinet or a bootcamp. Ming boils down product management and shares the three skills she thinks are most important.

Migrating to Kubernetes with zero downtime: the why and how

Jelmer is talking from experience in this post. We decreased our deployment time from ~15min to ~1.5min and managed to cut operational costs by doing so. This post is next level.

Key Change: a journey from classical musician to bootcamp student, and beyond

Nicole has had a really cool journey over the past couple of years. In this post, she covers her decisions behind going into a coding bootcamp program, what it’s like during, and her experience post.Bootcamp Break Down

What I’ve learned being a PM at Manifold

Ming shares her Product Manager wisdom with us and gets to the bottom of what skills you need as a PM.

1. Making “good decisions”
2. Ruthless prioritization
3. Accomplishing everything through others
4. Read her post (I added this one)

