Manifold — Community Update #001

Transparency Report, June 2021

Manifold Finance
Manifold Finance
3 min readJul 9, 2021


Read on for a detailed account of what we have been working on behind the scenes to bring Manifold Finance forward.

In this report, we’ll be discussing:

  • News & Announcements
  • Development
  • Community
  • Roadmap and Targets

News & Announcements

During the last two months, May and June of 2021, Manifold Finance launched and moved forward our initial version of YCabal. V1 of the strategy is a powerful real-time trading engine designed to recapture end-user trading inefficiencies and refund them back in the form of transactional rebates (i.e., nearly eliminate the transactional cost for user-submitted transactions). Lots of progress has been made, and we expect to reach our target of production deployment by July 20th.

We’ve also started our LP Beta Rewards Program. You can read more on that here. For more info on the next update, keep reading.

We will be providing monthly transparency reports and bi-weekly updates via blog posts, starting July 20th. In addition, a monthly community call is also to be scheduled at the end of the month. At Manifold, we want to emphasize being as transparent as possible and communicate as frequently as necessary.

Suggestions, comments, or questions can be sent through Telegram or via email.


  • MEV Search Engine improvements
    Our MEV Search engine is currently being finalized and is close to production release quality. The heart of this engine lies in the memory database called kdb+. Keep your eyes on our socials in the next couple of weeks, since we’re going to have something very special for you together with, the maintainers of kdb+…
  • Development Challenges
    Ensuring a robust and highly available service is a non-trivial task. This is why we choose to host our infrastructure on bare metal through Equinix. Configuration, deployment, and logging are accomplished through nix, a powerful functional programming language, and its own operating system, NixOS.
  • YCabal v1
    Currently, we are making fixes to the MEV engine after getting feedback from KX. The planned launch post hard fork has been moved as the official date for the London hard fork is now in August. This does not change anything on our end. Work on v2 has already started, with testing expected to occur mid-August, after the London hard fork.

Community Updates

We hold our community in the highest regard, so that’s why we’ll make sure to keep you in the loop as much as we can. We’ll start doing monthly community meetings (in the last week of the month) and monthly transparency reports (in the first week of the month). Also, there’s a roadmap update coming soon!

Many of you are asking for an update on Manifold’s LP Beta Rewards Program, and we’ll have an update on the program on July 14th, 2021.


We’ll be providing updates every month for a 3-month planned roadmap with progress targets.

For the first month, we will only provide a roadmap spanning 30 days, as things are moving swiftly. After that one, we’ll have a full 3-month roadmap.

To give you a sneak peek of what’s coming…

  • YCabal V2
  • Staking Page
  • Card Processing
  • Partnership-announcements (non-crypto)
  • Strategy Development Kit
  • LAO
  • Gas Index
Who do you hope to see as the next Manifold partner?

To find out more about Manifold, head over to our official channels:

Manifold Finance — Shaping the Future of DeFi

