manilka fernando
Published in
5 min readNov 6, 2019

Life!!! We learn many things in our through out our life from various ways,we learn by going to school, from our loved ones, from strangers too. And by doing a sport. Most of the people think that there’s nothing to take to our life by doing a sport. But I myself think that there are many things can obtain by doing a sport. I’ll tell you about 6 things that I myself achieved in my own life by playing basketball.


A person need discipline to survive in the society, otherwise that person will face many problems in his life. By playing basketball I’ve learned how to maintain my discipline, so that I can live with less problems in my life.

We can learn how to maintain our discipline during playing the game, obeying referees command and respecting other players, and by playing a fair game. You have to have good discipline to spend a better life


Self confidence, what’s that? Confidence is a feeling of trust in someone or something…So self confidence means the trust in yourself. Through out our life time we have to have confidence on our self’s to be dominant in some our activities.

When we are doing a sport we need to confidence in us as well as in others too. Not only in basketball in every single sport we need to have self confidence. In basketball we need self confidence to defense, as well as in the offense. When ever I play a game I have this thought in my mind, “YES I CAN DO IT”.

So I have absorb it to my life, now when I’m doing an activity I have the confidence to make it happen. Sometimes even we can’t get the work done by having yourself confident you can make it possible.


A leader means not a person someone controls others, but a one who works with others, a leader don’t command things to do he plan with the others and make it happen, that’s what a leader does. I think each an everyone of you had lead in your life for once. You have to have a open mind, you have to listen to the others. Leadership is an animation of others to reach the expected goals.

I have captained my school team, when I lead my team there’s something to take from each player to be a good leader. In a team there are players with various talents and different mentalities, as the leader of the team I should get them together to make a good team. And you must have a good relationship with the team members and with the coach….So I can be a true leader at any time in my life because I have experience it:):)


As I mentioned earlier in animation teamwork is one of the main factors. It is a collective effort among all the members of the team as well as leader too.

Basketball is a team game it’s not a individual game. Our life is like a game too, but sometimes it is a individual one and sometimes it’s a team game. When we’re working alone there’s no problem you can do what you want, what suits you. But when there is a team you have to listen to others and do what is suitable for the majority.

There is a quote like this;



As well as teamwork, decision making is a part of leadership. In a basketball game every step we take, is a decision. This not only includes to the leader it implies on everyone. Throughout a game we make thousands of decisions. And the decisions should lead us to the expected goal. The team with less mistakes will win in my aspect, that means more right decisions you make, you can win.

In our life with obstacles that we have to make big decisions. By playing this game it helps me to make the most rightful decision. We make decisions in our day-to-day work, the decisions we’re making has to be right. When we play basketball we have to take quick decisions, it helps in our life to take quick and right decisions. Decisions are very important in our life sometimes our future will depend on our decisions. So we have to be careful when we’re taking decisions. Be intelligent while your making decisions.



As a player you must work hard to get to the top. I know it’s a very difficult journey but you have to face it, hard work is not running away from difficulties. If you work hard in your practice sessions you will get benefits during the game. You don’t get benefits same time that you are working hard, it takes time. So you have to do is to work hard continuously without giving up. Never ever give up on something without even trying, because you will regret when you realize the chance was wasted.

When we live in this society we get to do many things, we have to do those things right. Just like in basketball we have to work hard in our life to reach our targets. Unless we can’t get to the goals, it’s tough to work hard but it will repay you once you reach to your goal.

All the above was my experiences and the things I acquired to my life by playing basketball. And I think all the sportsmen’s will relate to this, Things will get harder in your life but never ever give up on anything. I hope it helped.

