Dr. Maninderpal Dhillon’s Techniques for Overcoming Situational Anxiety

Maninderpal Singh Dhillon
sfd sdg
Published in
3 min readJan 2, 2020

More than 40 million Americans struggle with situational anxiety on a regular basis — that accounts for roughly 18% of the nation’s entire population. If you’re one of those 40 million, you’re certainly not alone.

Despite its widespread effect, there remains a lack of education in regard to managing the disorder. In an effort to bridge that gap and raise awareness, trusted psychiatrist Dr. Maninderpal Singh Dhillon has outlined these key techniques for overcoming situational anxiety.

Reevaluate your anxiety

When it comes to their manifestation, feelings of anxiety and feelings of excitement are very much the same sensation. Often, those who struggle with situational anxiety find power in embracing perceived anxiety and mentally rebranding it as simple excitement.

For example, a public speaker who is becoming nervous about an upcoming speech may instead meditate on how good they felt last time they successfully delivered a speech, working to rebrand and rework that feeling of stress into a feeling of excitement. According to Dr. Maninderpal Singh Dhillon, this allows you to embrace your feelings rather than avoid them. After all, not all stress is bad or harmful.

Practice deep breathing

If you’re experiencing stress or anxiety, there’s a pretty good chance your breathing has unknowingly become shallow and/or irregular. Unfortunately, this can have dire consequences on how your body acts and reacts under pressure.

According to Dr. Maninderpal Singh Dhillon, practicing deep breathing bumps up the amount of oxygen distributed to the brain and helps stimulate the body’s parasympathetic nervous system, which calms your mind and promotes relaxation. If you’re experiencing situational anxiety, becoming mindful of your breathing and pausing to take several deep, well-rounded breathes can work wonders to clear your mind and refocus your attention.

Always have an out

A high-stress scenario is enough to induce intense anxiety on its own accord; if you’ve been given no easy way out, it will likely intensify feelings of anxiety even more. When going into a scenario you may find stressful, Dr. Maninderpal Singh Dhillon suggests thinking ahead and giving yourself a pre-planned escape route.

Small measures like driving separately to an event or having a backup plan ready are great measures for those who are anxiety inclined. Even if you never use your planned “escape route,” you’ll likely find you’re more comfortable you are more comfortable dealing with the stress of the situation knowing an exit is accessible if you need it.

Consider seeking professional help

When all else fails, a trained professional like Dr. Maninderpal Singh Dhillon can help you take the power away from your situational anxiety and once again claim the reigns. While some will be capable of regulating the disorder on their own accord, others will require a little help — and there’s no shame in that.

If you find your anxiety paralyzing in any way, it’s time to seek counsel. At the end of the day, remember that situational anxiety is an incredibly common problem, and there’s no shame in reaching out to a professional for guidance.



Maninderpal Singh Dhillon
sfd sdg
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Maninderpal Singh Dhillon D.O. is a Psychiatrist that graduated from Michigan State University Residency Program and practices Psychiatry in Michigan.