Artificial Intelligence

Machine Learning For Managers — What You Need To Know

Are you managing a tech team as a product/project manager? Here is what you need to know about machine learning.

Manish Shivanandhan
Published in
8 min readAug 13, 2020


Machine learning and deep learning have been popular buzz words for the last five years. The demand for .ai domains has skyrocketed. But beyond all the hype surrounding machine learning, it is hard to grab the basic concepts with ease if you are an absolute beginner.

AI and machine learning gained so much popularity in the last five years. Almost every product can have a machine learning use case now. Let’s look at machine learning in-depth and equip you with the knowledge you need for your next technical conversation.

What is Machine Learning?

Machine learning is a branch of Artificial Intelligence. Artificial Intelligence as a whole includes many general concepts to simulate human thinking. Machine learning focuses only on one key aspect: Making machines learn.

Machine learning is the science of getting computers to make decisions without being explicitly programmed.



Manish Shivanandhan

Engineer / Product Manager. Writes about Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and Product Management. More at