The Rebranded Sprig App Launched Today
From Good to Great!



As their tagline suggests, Sprig helps you “Eat Well”
by providing “organic meals delivered in 15 minutes.”

Sprig takes great pride in:

  • Clean Cooking: limiting the use of oil, fat, and salt
  • Responsible Sourcing: through partnerships with farms and ranches, including Terra Firma Farms and Petaluma Ranch
  • The Simplest Ordering Experience: taking just three simple taps!

Sprig serves a new lunch and dinner menu daily and leverages the latest routing technology to provide delivery as it should be:

“Most restaurants view delivery as an after-thought; Sprig focuses on it so you can eat well wherever you happen to be: home, office, or relaxing at the park!”

To top it off, Sprig uses compostable packaging.


Sprig welcome screens


  • Launching the new Sprig app directs you to the welcome screens (see photos above)
  • Create a new account by tapping “Sign in with Facebook” or “Let’s Eat”
  • Choosing “Sign in with Facebook” displays a permissions screen. Simply tap “OK” and you’re done signing up! (see left photo below)
  • Alternatively, choose “Let’s Eat,” fill out a simple form, and tap “Let’s Eat” again. You’re signed up! (see right photo below)
Left: Signing up with Facebook, Right: Manually creating an account


  • Creating an account automatically signs you in, taking you to the app’s main screen. This screen will either inform you that the “Kitchen’s Closed” or it’ll showcase current menu options and availability (see notes for more details).
  • To get started, tap “Enter your address” (top of screen), fill in the “Where To?” form, and hit the “Save” button (see photos below). As the button suggests, Sprig remembers the addresses you enter, making it easier to place orders in the future.
Left: “Kitchen’s Closed” screen, Center: “Where To?” screen, Right: Menu tab
  • Access your profile from any screen by opening the menu tab (three green bars — top left corner) and choosing “Profile.” Save your home and work address by entering it on the profile screen (see left photo below). This eliminates the need to type full addresses every time you order, making future orders really simple.
  • Eliminate the need to type full addresses every time you order. Sprig lets you save your home and work address by entering it on the profile screen (see left photo below). This makes future orders really simple. To access your profile, open the menu tab from any screen (three green bars — top left corner) and choose “Profile” (see right photo above).
  • Enjoy unlimited free delivery by signing up for a Sprig Go Subscription. It’s only $10/month. Simply tap “Sign up today” on the profile screen to sign up (see center photo below for more details).
  • There’s no need to pull out your credit card every time you order. Save your payment information to speed up future orders. To do this, open the menu tab from any screen (three green bars — top left corner) and choose “Payment.” Enter your payment information and confirm by tapping the green checkmark — top right corner.
    *Use the promo code shown to receive $10 off your first Sprig meal! (See right photo below)
Left: Profile settings, Center: Sprig Go details, Right: Payment settings



  • Sign in during delivery hours (10am-10pm in California) and you’ll see current menu options for the selected address. Remember, you can change the address at any time by tapping “Going To” at the top of your screen.
  • Sign in during delivery hours (10am-10pm) to see current menu options for the selected address. Remember, you can change the address at any time by tapping “Going To” at the top of your screen.
  • Once you decide on a dish (or dishes), hit the “+” button to increase the quantity and the “-” button to decrease the quantity of each dish you wish to order (see left photo below).
  • When you’re satisfied with your choices, hit the “checkout” button, which leads to a confirmation screen (see right photo below). Verify the details of your order. Hit the “x” to edit menu choices, tap the address to change it, or sign up for Sprig Go to avoid delivery charges.
  • After you confirm the details of your order, tap the “Place Order” button (see right photo below). Your order is placed! Keep reading to learn how to track your order.
  • After you confirm the details of your order, tap the “Place Order” button (see right photo below). Keep reading to learn how to track your order.
Left: “Today’s Menu” screen, Center: “Learn More” screen, Right: Order confirmation screen


  • Once your order is placed, a status screen will notify you that the order is being prepped. An estimated delivery time is also provided (see left photo below).
  • When your order is assigned to a server, the status screen will update, displaying the server’s name and estimated time of arrival (see center photo below).
  • To contact your server, use the “Call” or “Text” buttons on the top right corner of your screen (see center photo below).
  • While you wait, you can tap “Learn More” to read about the dish you ordered or tap “See Tomorrow’s Menu” to view the upcoming menu (see left and center photos below).
  • Don’t forget to rate the dish and server! After receiving the meal, you’ll be prompted to provide feedback. Select “Meh,” “Good,” or “Excellent” by tapping the corresponding button. You can also write a comment in the text box, if you’d like. Remember to hit the “Send Feedback” button when you’re done (see right photo below).
  • Enjoy your meal!
Left: Status screen (order prep), Center: Status screen (server assigned), Right: Feedback/Rating screen



  • How to access upcoming menus: If you sign in outside of delivery hours, you’ll see the “Kitchen’s Closed” page (see photo in “How to Get Started”), which has a “View Upcoming Menu” button. Simply tap this button to access menus for the week. If you sign in during delivery hours, you’ll automatically see the current menu. In order to see the upcoming menu, open the menu tab (three green bars — top left corner) and select “Upcoming Menus” (see left photo below).
  • Let Sprig help you plan meals for the entire week! Simply look through the upcoming menus and decide which dishes you’ll order throughout the week (see center photo below). You can use this information to plan for the nights you won’t order in — then again, who can resist the yummy convenience of hot, healthy Sprig meals delivered to wherever you are?
    *Warning: You may never have to plan a meal again. You might just get hooked on Sprig. After all, it’s a different dish every day.
  • See a dish you really want to try over the weekend? Afraid you might forget? Don’t worry, Sprig has you covered! Any time you see a dish you want to try, tap the heart under the dish title. This will highlight the heart and automatically set a reminder, notifying you when you can order (see center and right photos below). If you have a change of heart, simply tap the heart again.
Left: Menu tab, Center: Upcoming menu, Right: Setting reminders


“Where To?” screen: “Call when you arrive” and “I’ll meet you outside” are selected. “Meet me in the lobby” and “Drop off at front desk” are not selected. In this case, the server will call you when s/he arrives and will wait for you outside.
  • Don’t waste time typing delivery instructions.
  • Tap “Going To:” (top of main screen) to display the “Where To?” screen (see photo on left).
  • Enter the address and tap to highlight the desired delivery instructions. Feel free to highlight multiple instructions.
    *Please note, this step is optional, designed for your convenience.
  • Create special instructions by tapping “special instructions” and typing your message.
  • Be sure to hit the “Save” button when you’re done!
Notification Settings: “Guest Chef Nights” and “Order Status” notifications are on. “Special Menu Items” notifications are off.
  • Access notification settings from any screen. Open the menu tab (three green bars — top left corner) and tap “Notifications.”
  • Choose to turn notifications on or off for each of the three events (see left photo).
  • To turn a notification on, swipe the white square to the right. This should display a green highlight, indicating that the notification is on (see “Order Status” in photo).
  • To turn a notification off, swipe the white square (beside the event) to the left. This should display a gray area, indicating that the notification is off (see “Special Menu Items” in photo).
Service Map for San Francisco
  • Not sure if Sprig delivers to you? No problem, you can check the Service Map.
  • Open the menu tab (three green bars — top left corner) and tap “About”
  • Tap on the “Check Service Map” button to see where Sprig delivers.
“Invite Friends” screen. In this case, the promo code is “SANGHAGDY” and it’s found in the invite link.
  • Want to earn free meals? Simply share Sprig with your friends. “Give your friends a free meal and get one back. Simple!”
  • Open the menu tab from any screen (three green bars — top left corner) and tap “Share with Friends” to display the “Invite Friends” screen (see left photo).
  • Hit the “Text Your Friends” button to send an invite via text message.
  • To share your invite link in an email, on Facebook, or on Twitter, hit the “Share” button.
  • Your friend (and you) will get a $10 credit when they order for the first time.
Support screen
  • If you have any comments, suggestions, or feedback, you can easily contact Sprig.
  • Open the menu tab from any screen (three green bars — top left corner) and tap “Support”
  • On the “Support” screen (see left photo), you can choose to call or email Sprig by tapping the respective button.


You order Sprig one night, enjoy the most delicious dish you’ve ever had, and you can’t wait until it shows up on the menu again. What do you do? Well, you could check the upcoming menus every week and set a reminder when it finally shows up.

What if there were an easier way… What if you could favorite a meal after you’ve had it (perhaps from the rating screen)? What if you received a notification every time your favorite meal showed up in the weekly menu? Once you’re notified, you can set a reminder for that meal. You would never miss your favorite meal again!

I’d love to see this feature in the future. What do you think — what features would you like to see in the future?


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Mannu Saund
All Things Tech: Product Reviews, How-to Guides, and More

I’m a writer, teacher, anthropologist, and a wife with an insatiable desire to learn — always trying to understand deeply and write simply.