My experience at Careers In Quantum

Johanna Zijderveld
ManQ Society
Published in
2 min readNov 6, 2020

On 28 October, along with several members of ManQ, I attended the Careers In Quantum event organised by QURECA and IOP QQQ. Firstly, there were talks by the leaders of prominent quantum computing companies, such as Bob Coecke from Cambridge Quantum Computing and Richard Murray from ORCA Computing. Both spoke about their backgrounds and how they got into quantum computing. They highlighted the most sought after traits of candidates currently wanting to go into quantum computing. They also stressed that you should be passionate and actually enjoy the work that you’re doing. A lot of emerging quantum computing companies are still only start-ups, so it’s important to be flexible as well.

The quantum careers event also had a networking opportunity. One was connected for three minutes to someone from the participating companies and had the time to ask questions. Personally, I found the three minutes a bit too short to properly get into a conversation, but I understand why it was done. (There were about 200 students/job-seekers and only a few representatives present.) The networking sessions gave a good insight into how people got into quantum computing and what their day-to-day life looks like.

The event also had a workshop on the skills a candidate should have. It gave tips on things such as improving your CV and conducting a successful interview. Overall, the careers event really helped to get a flavour of life in the quantum computing industry. It gave the opportunity to meet new people and learn about the different companies present in the field. Going forward, I hope that similar events will continue to be run.

ManQ has a growing membership of highly motivated students with an interest in quantum technology. If you are an employer reading this and would like to connect with this audience, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

