Men, Our Emotions, And Feminism

A somewhat experimental text to explore the emotional crippling of men in our culture and women’s reaction to it

Simon Fokt, PhD
Man’s Compass


Photo by chester wade on Unsplash

We live in a culture where emotionally starved, deprived females are desperately seeking male love. Those who dare speak of it risk ridicule, pity, or shame. Most just resort to man-bashing. The feminists who do so don’t only do it as a reaction to men refusing to share their power. It is also their anger that however much they try, men just wouldn’t love them the way they wanted to be loved.

Man-hating feminists are by no means the majority, but when they claim that they want the power men have, what they actually mean is that they want to also be rewarded for being out of touch with their feelings.

Most men responded to the feminist demands for greater equity in the work world and in the sexual world by sharing their power and inviting women in. But when it came to men’s emotional lives, most refused to change — likely because they just didn’t believe they could change.

That’s because this is what they were taught. As boys, they longed for the recognition, respect, and care from their father — yet in most cases found very little. Paternal love means so much, yet so many fathers’ absence or emotional unavailability leaves an…



Simon Fokt, PhD
Man’s Compass

Philosopher, musician, educator. Trying to navigate the chaos of modern masculinity. Editor of the Man's Compass -