Short Thoughts

#NotAllWomen, Or Have You Heard Of Selection Bias?

What’s the heaviest weapon to roll out against self-styled ‘experts’ in dating? Statistics.

Simon Fokt, PhD
Man’s Compass
Published in
7 min readApr 24, 2024


Photo by Joel Muniz on Unsplash

I keep coming across texts by various guys who style themselves experts on dating and relationships and honestly, I can’t stop laughing. And it’s not even because they’re so often wrong. It’s because of how confidently they decree what The Nature Of Women is based on… well, based on f*ck all.

Here is one such text I just came across recently:

Gene Gerrienne represents women as all having a ‘true submissive feminine energy’, at least in the context of sex, which will come out if you act like a real man around them. In essence, this is an empirical statement about a group of people.

I am not going to go into any detail on how it misrepresents women or encourages problematic behaviours — I am certain that others will do so in the comments. I don’t want to beat Gene and others at a game they don’t want to play. I want to beat…



Simon Fokt, PhD
Man’s Compass

Philosopher, musician, educator. Trying to navigate the chaos of modern masculinity. Editor of the Man's Compass -