The Truth About ‘Men, Our Emotions, And Feminism’

Last week I decided to do a little experiment and got some interesting results.

Simon Fokt, PhD
Man’s Compass


Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash

I am very used to getting two types of replies to my texts. The woke left feminists give me heat for being a crypto-misogynist, while the more conservative men call me a simp. Sometimes on the very same text.

It’s fun advocating for a healthy centre these days.

I decided to use this phenomenon to run a mischievous experiment. It’s a gamble — some will hate it, but maybe it might inspire people to think just how much unnecessary negativity we all have for what we see as ‘the other side’ and perhaps to consider having some more understanding.

And thus, I committed the following text:

Just as I expected, it got some interesting replies.

On the one hand, people who have in the past been in one way or another sceptical of feminism, aren’t fully aligned with it, or identify as feminists but aren’t particularly militant about it — seem to have…



Simon Fokt, PhD
Man’s Compass

Philosopher, musician, educator. Trying to navigate the chaos of modern masculinity. Editor of the Man's Compass -