The Two Ways We Approach Men’s Problems Are Both Wrong

But there is a third and we should really start following it now.

Simon Fokt, PhD
Man’s Compass


Don’t fall on either side, the true path is in the middle

There is one thing that the most hardcore progressives and most conservative manosphere gurus agree on: their response to a man who comes out to talk about the problems he struggles with. About his loneliness, about feeling useless, feeling like everyone and everything is against him.

Man up and stop whining.

Now, the common narratives go one of two ways:

Much of the Manosphere: The problems men are facing are real and serious, therefore men should sort them out at any cost. Follow my Alpha advice and buy this PUA course.

Many Progressives: To ensure that men don’t ‘solve’ their problems by harming women, we must deny that they are real or serious.

There is a feedback loop between the two. The progressives fear that men will do anything to address their problems, including things which are harmful to women. A guy is feeling lonely? It’s fair game if he decides to manipulate a girl into bed. He’s not feeling on top of life and needs to bump up his status with the bros? Why not abuse some women, that always makes you feel stronger.



Simon Fokt, PhD
Man’s Compass

Philosopher, musician, educator. Trying to navigate the chaos of modern masculinity. Editor of the Man's Compass -