Mansplaining Sex Crimes 101

Adrianna Tan
3 min readNov 1, 2014


Earlier today, I had a run-in with a man whose behaviour I had grounds to believe threatened the physical safety of myself and my family. Turns out, when you have strong opinions about male sex criminals, this happens on Twitter: mans-plaining 101.

  1. Police have better things to do than to bother with a woman’s fears. If she hasn’t been raped, they have better things to do.

2. I should be thankful that I only witnessed ‘the small stuff’. Thank you, creepy men of the world, for not always bringing out the big guns.

3. Expecting to walk back to my own home after lunch without having to witness a sexual act I did not want to see, is not the kind of consent which can be given. That I should be thankful that I live in a country where cops actually care about things like that.

4. Random strangers can somehow magically assess the proportionality of sex crimes across the Internet. Again, the cops ought to have better things to worry about than a wayward dick pointing itself in an unwanted direction.

5. Random strangers are also capable of assessing the actual threat level a sex criminal poses to women in another country. If he hasn’t already assaulted you, it means you don’t have to worry. Even if you walk through that badly lit path at midnight all the time, he’s just servicing himself.

6. There’s a book title in there. “Sex Crimes Women Should Live With.”

7. There are bigger things out there. Again, you haven’t been raped, so, cop-utilization, proportionality, and just fucking live with it.

8. A woman should not have the right to not want to see a genital she didn’t want to see. What kind of world would we live in if we didn’t expect our women to have to see penises they didn’t want? A world full of lonely, flaccid penises.

9. Women should be glad that cops care at all.

10. Expecting the cops to care about women’s unsolicited penis problems is a first world problem.

Got it.

