Introducing Mantle Finance

Kevin Lin
Mantle Finance
Published in
3 min readDec 27, 2021

Greeting! Human. We are coming from Inner Earth.

We are Mantleian, people living in the mantle. You might know us as Agartha or Agarta. We are not stupid. We have lived underground for million years and have evolved to communicate with our hearts.

We Mantleian have been observing the civilization and evolution of the inhabitants of this planet. Never wanted anyone on the earth to know what we were doing, nor did we want to disturb the people living on the earth.

There was Socrates, well, we think he was struggling with life too much. Charles Darwin? We made fun of him because he couldn’t see the whole picture most of the time.

Until 2008, when Satoshi Nakamoto appeared, we realized that with his theory and technology, people became smarter. He announced a new vision called “decentralization.”

This is a mechanism similar to physical law such as gravity or earth revolution. These principles shape our world and control all the entities in our lives. But we never expected that all of this would be realized by your lame computer — Distributed ledger technology.

Prometheus risked his life to steal fire for mankind. We Mantleian can easily present people a cool thing without any risk, that is “liquidity”.

Liquidity is not only essential in blockchain, NFT or finance, also a medium of communication between different fields. Through liquidity, barriers are removed and a better ecology is created.

Therefore, in 2017, we secretly purchased a large amount of cryptocurrency and got involved in crypto applications and crypto space. We even started building Dapps in 2017 to see the feedback and reaction of human beings.

However, we found that most people just want to make quick money, rather than participate in this revolution that reshapes the world. Shortly we shut down the Dapp. We didn’t want our first interaction with the inhabitants of the earth’s crust to be benefit-oriented.

We went back to the mantle for the past 5 years. Until we saw Flow Blockchain and what they built in the ecosystem. We changed our minds.

After a detailed study of Flow, we found that they have the most friendly NFT development environment and the most suitable smart contract language “Cadence”, which is specifically designed for managing ownership of digital assets on blockchain.

We also noticed that there are no projects that can combine NFT lending and DeFi applications on the Flow mainnet at the moment, which is an inconvenience to all the Flow-based NFT collectors.

Don’t worry anymore. We Mantleian are here to build.

Flow does not follow suit. Their persistence to their own path and core concept is what attracts our attention. Flow has been focusing on applications in sports, entertainment, and art. Especially the collection of “digital treasure”, such as NBA Topshot, NFL, UFC, Ballerz, MotoGP.

We believe that Flow will lead mankind into a new era with similar ideas to our Mantleian. This is why we chose to dive into Flow ecosystem and develop our new protocol called “Mantle Finance”.

Studying Flow from a developer’s perspective, we came to a conclusion: if we can integrate “liquidity” on Flow, it will be of great help to the ecosystem in many ways. For massive NFT collectors on Flow, its liquidity and capital efficiency can be improved at the same time. Mantle Finance exists to enhance and integrate the liquidity of NFT and crypto assets.

Mantle drives magma and boost the liquidity of global crypto space.

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