10 Steps Guide on How to Stake OM on UniFarm and Farm Six Tokens

UniFarm Cohort 3 is scheduled to go live today at 2:30PM UTC

5 min readMar 3, 2021


UniFarm Cohort 3 is scheduled to go live on today starting 2:30PM UTC at https://unifarm.co/ and to help guide our Sherpas who are looking to participate, we have prepared this guide to make participating as simple as possible!

MANTRA DAO will be joining UniFarm Cohort 3 alongside our friends at:

Razor Network | Paid Network | PlotX | Royal Finance | OpenDeFi

How to Stake on UniFarm 3

UniFarm Cohort 3 will support MetaMask, Trust Wallet, and CoinBase Wallets.

Additional features in UniFarm Cohort 3 include a progress bar, expected returns, messages related to approval, and staking on the modal window.

Note: Over this tutorial, we are using Rinkeby (test) network in MetaMask, so there might be very slight differences when executing on mainnet. APY numbers shown in this tutorial are just random numbers. Actual APY will be different once cohort 3 goes live.


Step 1

Unlock your MetaMask wallet.

Step 2

Open https://unifarm.co/ and tap on launch app. Connect wallet and select MetaMask. Once Cohort 3 goes live, you will be able to select Trust wallet or CoinBase wallet as well as per your preference.

Open https://unifarm.co/ and tap on launch app

Once it is connected, the UniFarm website will show your wallet address.

Wallet shows on top right

Step 3

Select the token from the drop-down menu, as per your choice, you can also check the maximum tokens you can stake with the help of the alongside option.

Select the token you want to stake

Step 4

Let’s select MANTRA DAO and enter the number of tokens you want to stake. Click on Show me available Pools.

After token, you can see which pools are available for that token

Step 5

Here you will be able to view all the active pools (of selected token) along-with reward token information, APY, lock-in etc. (Pool list will be displayed in descending order of APY).

Select stake now to proceed

Step 6

Click on Stake Now button to view the expected return of 90-days duration for your staking.

Expected returns show up

Step 7

Click on Approve to proceed further or click on the ‘X‘ icon and go back to Step 3 and calculate earnings for other tokens.

Step 8

MetaMask will prompt you to approve the token. Please note that the approval of any token will requires gas fees. Click confirm to proceed or you can click on reject to cancel the transaction.

Step 9

Once “Approved”, click on the “Stake”, to stake the selected token amount.

Step 10

You would be prompted again to confirm your transaction. Click confirm.

Congratulations! You have successfully staked MANTRA DAO ‘tokens’ on UniFarm!


Click on My Stakes to view the list of all your staked tokens (recent stake at the top), along-with current reward status, expected return and stake duration.


Click on My Stakes to view the list of all your staked tokens.

Click on the ‘Unstake and Claim’ button to Unstake the token. Unstake & Claim option will be inactive for the locked tokens and will be active once the locking period is over.

UniFarm will prompt you to confirm your unstaking decision. Click confirm to unstake or click on Cancel to continue with current stakings.

Congratulations! You have successfully unstaked ‘tokens.


Click on Unstake and Claim to view the list of all the Unstake and Claimed tokens along-with reward and transaction details. (recent unstaking will display on top)

Click “Connect Wallet” and you will be prompted to connect your MetaMask. Click next to proceed.

You can stake more than one token in UniFarm and unstake & claim your rewards during any time of UniFarm Pool, which will last for 90 days.

For any questions you might have, get in touch with UniFarm by OroPocket, on Telegram by pming their moderators at: https://t.me/oropocket


MANTRA DAO is a community-governed DeFi platform focusing on Staking, Lending, and Governance. MANTRA DAO leverages the crowd’s wisdom to create a community-governed, transparent, and decentralized ecosystem for web 3.0. Building on Parity Substrate for the Polkadot ecosystem, MANTRA DAO gives financial control back to the people to store and grow wealth together.

Website | Whitepaper | Telegram | Medium | Twitter | LinkedIn | Github


UniFarm (https://unifarm.co/) is one of a kind staking solution where the best projects in DeFi space come together to provide value to investors. UniFarm allows you to stake one token but earn multiple high-value tokens, so in addition to a great APY, your returns are automatically diversified as well. Powered by OroPocket.




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