Blockbank ZENDIT: Announcement + Participation & Pool Details

$BBANK Pool Opens on Wednesday, April 28, 11 AM UTC

4 min readApr 26, 2021


Make sure to signup quickly for this one if you want to participate!

One of the most disruptive use cases for blockchain will undoubtedly be in the banking sector with many protocols promising individuals the ability to “be your own bank”. What will banking look like in the future? Blockbank is looking to develop a comprehensive financial services platform for a fast changing world to provide services including DeFi, AI robo-advisory, and neobanking. Their app is available and can be downloaded in the App store (iOS) and the Google Play store (Android) from their website and are gearing up to officially launch their $BBANK token on ZENDIT!

Blockbank is getting ready to ZENDIT!

Whitelist Closes on April 27th, 12:00 PM UTC

Tier 0 Snapshot taken on April 27th, 2:00 AM UTC

Tier 1–5 Snapshot uses previous April 20th, 2:00 AM UTC snapshot

Whitelist Winners Announced April 28th 2:00 AM UTC

Pool Opens on Wednesday, April 28th, 11:00 AM UTC

What is Blockbank?

  • Blockbank closes the gap between existing DeFi opportunities and banking by providing users with a layer of security, improved usability, and AI-enhanced risk management through a neobanking experience.
  • Blockbank is powered by their platform’s utility token called BBANK. Users are able to gain access to their credit card rewards program, use their advanced AI assistant, increase their APY % and earn interest on their tokens by staking BBANK in their non-custodial Blockbank cryptocurrency wallet.
  • Asset Management Protocol is governed, maintained, and upgraded by the whole Blockbank community and token holders.
  • The main functionalities of Blockbank include: a Fiat-Crypto ramp, intuitive Investment flows, custom Investment strategies which are AI back tested, adjustable Risk/Reward profiles, Put/Call options, and lower expense ratios.

Participation Tiers

Sherpas who meet these participation requirements will be eligible to enter the highest participation tier they qualify for on a per-wallet basis. One wallet can only participate in one tier and cannot participate in multiple tiers.

Our participation tiers for ZENDIT from highest to lowest are:

Tier 0 OLYMPUS MONS — Read more on Tier 0 here:

  • Total Pool Allocation Amount: $100,000

Individual allocation amounts will be dependent on the number of eligible participants divided by the total allocation in the pool.

Tier 1 EVEREST — Supplying 50,000 OM on ZENTEREST (zenOM)

  • Max Allocation Amount: $2000

Tier 2 ACONCAGUA — Staking 40,000 OM on our old V2 pool or our new V2 pool (sOM), or supplying 40,000 OM on ZENTEREST (zenOM)

  • Max Allocation Amount: $1600

Tier 3 DENALI — Holding 30,000 OM in your wallet, staking 30,000 OM (sOM) in on our old V2 pool or our new V2 pool (sOM), or supplying 30,000 OM (zenOM)

  • Max Allocation Amount: $1200

Tier 4 KILIMANJARO — Holding a “100M OM Staked” NFT

  • Max Allocation Amount: $800

Tier 5 ELBRUS — Holding a MANTRA DAO PolkaPet

  • Max Allocation Amount: $400

Round Tier and Terms:

  • Public Round Tokens
  • Fully unlocked at Wednesday, April 28th, 4:30 PM UTC

Blockbank ZENDIT Pool Details

  • Token Ticker: $BBANK
  • Token Type: ERC-20
  • Total Raise Amount: $400,000
  • Total Available Tokens: 4,000,000 $BBANK
  • Number of Pools: 2
  • Pool Type: Tier 0 & Private Sherpa Pool
  • Asset Pool Pairs: Tier 0: USDT/BBANK & Private Sherpa Pool: USDT/BBANK
  • Total Pool Raise : Tier 0 $100,000 & Private Sherpa Pool $300,000
  • USD Token exchange offering Price: $0.10

Instructions for Whitelisting

  1. Join the Block Bank Telegram community:
  2. Follow MANTRA DAO and Block Bank on Twitter: &
  3. Like the announcement tweet of the Block Bank token launch on ZENDIT on the Block Bank Twitter page and retweet!

4. Final step, complete this entry form before April 27th, 12:00 PM UTC

After the whitelist closes at 12:00 PM UTC on April 27th, we will be randomly picking a limited number of Sherpas for each tier who will have access to the pools and will be announcing the winners’ ERC-20 wallet addresses via our Twitter and Official News and Announcements at 11:00 AM UTC on April 28st.

Please note that even if you are randomly selected to access the pool this does NOT guarantee you have an allocation and you will need to act fast in order to take part in the pool!


MANTRA DAO is a community-governed DeFi platform focusing on Staking, Lending, and Governance. MANTRA DAO leverages the crowd’s wisdom to create a community-governed, transparent, and decentralized ecosystem for web 3.0. Built on Parity Substrate for the Polkadot ecosystem, MANTRA DAO gives financial control back to the people to store and grow wealth together.

Website |Whitepaper |Telegram |Medium |Twitter | LinkedIn | Github

About Blockbank

Blockbank closes the gap between existing DeFi opportunities and banking by providing users with a layer of security, improved usability, and AI-enhanced risk management through a neobanking experience.

Website |Whitepaper |Telegram |Medium |Twitter | LinkedIn




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